

Will China’s military rival the United States’ in the Pacific? Will Japan abandon the constitutional fetters on its own military? How will India respond to the String of Pearls strategy? The Diplomat has put together a team of leading analysts to offer must-read, regular commentary on the big defense and security issues in the Asia-Pacific.

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Debating Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea

Debating Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea

By Sam Bateman
Continuing the debate on the value of U.S. FONOPs, Sam Bateman responds.
Who Is Really Overstepping the Bounds of International Law in the South China Sea?

Who Is Really Overstepping the Bounds of International Law in the South China Sea?

By Allen Yu
Why the recent ruling from The Hague on jurisdiction is hardly a victory for the Philippines.

Gunboat Diplomacy in the South China Sea

Gunboat Diplomacy in the South China Sea

By Kun-Chin Lin and Andrés Villar Gertner
We’re entering a new phase in political signaling by China and the U.S.

US, Japan Put South China Sea at the Forefront of Asia Summits

US, Japan Put South China Sea at the Forefront of Asia Summits

By Shannon Tiezzi
China is trying its hardest to keep the South China Sea off the agenda -- but the U.S. and Japan have other plans.

Malaysia Slams China’s South China Sea Encroachments

Malaysia Slams China’s South China Sea Encroachments

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country’s deputy prime minister takes aim at Beijing’s actions.
How Will Myanmar's Elections Affect Relations With China?

How Will Myanmar's Elections Affect Relations With China?

By Dingding Chen
How will Myanmar's new government affect relations between it and China?

Carrier Wars: Imagine a US Navy Without the F/A-18 Super Hornet

Carrier Wars: Imagine a US Navy Without the F/A-18 Super Hornet

By Robert Farley
What would a U.S. Navy without the F/A-18 Super Hornet look like?
With Afghanistan, 'Nuclear Deal' on Agenda, Pakistan's Army Chief Visits the United States

With Afghanistan, 'Nuclear Deal' on Agenda, Pakistan's Army Chief Visits the United States

By Ankit Panda
General Raheel Sharif will visit the United States this week, with a broad agenda.

Did China Try Restricting US Bombers in the South China Sea?

Did China Try Restricting US Bombers in the South China Sea?

By Ankit Panda
Two U.S. bombers were contacted by Chinese air traffic controllers over the South China Sea, but details are murky.

Would Indonesia Actually Challenge China's Nine-Dash Line in International Court?

Would Indonesia Actually Challenge China's Nine-Dash Line in International Court?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Don't read too much into Luhut Panjaitan's comment about bringing the South China Sea issue to an international court.

Setting the Record Straight on US Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea

Setting the Record Straight on US Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea

By Ankit Panda
Details on the late October FON operation have been slim, but they matter immensely.
Putin Sends Russian Military to North Korea

Putin Sends Russian Military to North Korea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A Russian military delegation is currently in Pyongyang talking to the Command of the Korean People’s Army.

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