

Will China’s military rival the United States’ in the Pacific? Will Japan abandon the constitutional fetters on its own military? How will India respond to the String of Pearls strategy? The Diplomat has put together a team of leading analysts to offer must-read, regular commentary on the big defense and security issues in the Asia-Pacific.

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In Pursuit of a Credible Nuclear Triad, India Successfully Tests Deadly ICBM

In Pursuit of a Credible Nuclear Triad, India Successfully Tests Deadly ICBM

By Benjamin David Baker
India conducts another successful test flight of its Agni-IV ICBM. Does this mean Delhi has a credible nuclear triad?
Japan Warships Could Visit Vietnam Naval Base Near South China Sea in 2016

Japan Warships Could Visit Vietnam Naval Base Near South China Sea in 2016

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Move marks another ‘first’ in Japan-Vietnam defense ties.

The Historic Xi-Ma Meeting: The Bigger Picture

The Historic Xi-Ma Meeting: The Bigger Picture

By Dingding Chen
Many analysts have focused on the potential political calculations behind the meeting between Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou. Time to look at the bigger picture.

Amid Tensions, US, China Assert South China Sea Positions

Amid Tensions, US, China Assert South China Sea Positions

By Ankit Panda
Speaking on Saturday, Xi Jinping and Ashton Carter laid out their respective positions on the South China Sea.

Interview: Victor Robert Lee

Interview: Victor Robert Lee

By James Pach
“The USS Lassen’s sail-by at Subi Reef was too late in coming.”
How Will the US Air Force Pay For Its New Long Range Strike Bomber?

How Will the US Air Force Pay For Its New Long Range Strike Bomber?

By Robert Farley
How will the U.S. Air Force pay for its newest advanced bomber?

After China, India Will Become Second Buyer of Advanced Russian S-400 Missile Defense Systems

After China, India Will Become Second Buyer of Advanced Russian S-400 Missile Defense Systems

By Ankit Panda
New Delhi's S-400 deal with Russia may be the largest defense deal ever between the two countries.
Why the US Navy's First South China Sea FONOP Wasn't a FONOP

Why the US Navy's First South China Sea FONOP Wasn't a FONOP

By Timothy Choi
The USS Lassen may not have actually asserted high seas freedoms around Subi Reef.

Taiwan's South China Sea Headache

Taiwan's South China Sea Headache

By Shannon Tiezzi
Caught between its own territorial claims and international criticism of the "nine-dashed line", what is Taiwan to do?

The Diminishing Returns of Ambiguity in the South China Sea

The Diminishing Returns of Ambiguity in the South China Sea

By Ryan Santicola
At this point, China’s own interests may be better served by clarifying its claims.

International Law Is the Real Threat to China's South China Sea Claims

International Law Is the Real Threat to China's South China Sea Claims

By Jill Goldenziel
If an arbitral tribunal finds China in breach of UNCLOS, the international pressure on Beijing would be enormous.
With Trilateral Summit, China-Japan-Korea Cooperation 'Completely Restored'

With Trilateral Summit, China-Japan-Korea Cooperation 'Completely Restored'

By Shannon Tiezzi
Leaders from China, Japan, and South Korea avoided touching on divisive issues in favor of sending a positive message.

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