

Will China’s military rival the United States’ in the Pacific? Will Japan abandon the constitutional fetters on its own military? How will India respond to the String of Pearls strategy? The Diplomat has put together a team of leading analysts to offer must-read, regular commentary on the big defense and security issues in the Asia-Pacific.

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US to Support Taiwan in South China Sea Per 2016 Defense Budget Bill

US to Support Taiwan in South China Sea Per 2016 Defense Budget Bill

By Ankit Panda
U.S. support for Taiwan will extend into the South China Sea.
Everything You Need to Know About Russia's Intervention in Syria

Everything You Need to Know About Russia's Intervention in Syria

By Benjamin David Baker
Russia has started military operations in Syria. Here's what we know so far.

Remember Russia's Mistrals? Here's Where They'll End Up (Hint: Not in Asia)

Remember Russia's Mistrals? Here's Where They'll End Up (Hint: Not in Asia)

By Robert Farley
We finally know where the Mistral-class amphibious assault carriers are headed... and it's not Asia.

Kashmir: Potentially Back With a Bang

Kashmir: Potentially Back With a Bang

By Ali Ahmed
The road from Kashmir to catastrophe is a worryingly short one.

US CIA's Operations in China Take a Step Back in Wake of OPM Breach

US CIA's Operations in China Take a Step Back in Wake of OPM Breach

By Ankit Panda
The CIA is pulling officers out of China as a direct result of the OPM breach.
What US Experts Get Wrong About Economic Espionage

What US Experts Get Wrong About Economic Espionage

By Greg Austin
There is no international legal norm against economic cyber espionage if confined to the collection of information.

Afghanistan: Offensive to Retake Kunduz Fails

Afghanistan: Offensive to Retake Kunduz Fails

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Taliban have dug in around the city and have widened their attacks.
Think Xi Jinping's State Visit to the US Went Well? Think Again

Think Xi Jinping's State Visit to the US Went Well? Think Again

By Dingding Chen
A modest Xi-Obama summit signals troubles ahead. No major breakthrough was achieved during the summit.

Review: China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain

Review: China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain

By Nicholas Gordon
The doctrines, motives, purposes, and capabilities of Chinese activities in cyberspace, internal and external.

'North to Alaska:' US and Chinese Competing Visions of Maritime Fair Use

'North to Alaska:' US and Chinese Competing Visions of Maritime Fair Use

By Steven Stashwick
What makes the Chinese transit of the Aleutians provocative to some is an apparent hypocrisy.

Tinker, Tailor, Hacker, Spy: Why Is China Hacking Norway?

Tinker, Tailor, Hacker, Spy: Why Is China Hacking Norway?

By Benjamin David Baker
Chinese cyber spies have taken an interest in Norway. What gives?
China-US Cyber Agreements: Has Beijing Outmaneuvered Washington?

China-US Cyber Agreements: Has Beijing Outmaneuvered Washington?

By Greg Austin
The joint agreement by China and the U.S. may have created more diplomatic minefields than it sought to eliminate.

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