Indian Decade

BRICS: The World's New Banker?
Some of the world’s most dynamic economies are considering the creation of their own development bank and bailout fund.

India Executes "Lone Survivor" of Mumbai Attacks
The decision to hang Ajmal Kasab, a Pakistani national, was carried out in complete secrecy.

A Delicate Dance: China and India's Border Issue
At what was likely their last meeting, PM Singh and China’s Wen Jiabao met on the sidelines of the EAS.

Salman Khurshid's New Role
Salman Khurshid is embracing his respite away from India’s political soap opera. Still, old habits die hard.

South Korea: Bollywood's Future Market?
Brand Bollywood’s penetration of the South Korean market is an idea whose time has come.

S. Korea's Tourist Tunnel Model for India
India should emulate South Korea’s success in turning a North Korean provocation into a source of revenue.

Big Names in India: Unknowns Globally
Anna Hazare, Narendra Modi, and Arvind Kejriwal may be well known inside India. Not so in South Korea.

How India Sees the U.S. Presidential Election
Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami gives us a sample of three possible views from India on America’s Presidential race.

India Resumes Cricket Ties With Pakistan
While a small step, could India and Pakistan use “cricket diplomacy” to foster better relations?

Cabinet Reshuffle Ahead of 2014 Election
PM Singh announced seventeen new ministers on Sunday. Is it enough to revive the Congress Party’s chances?

External Affairs Minister SM Krishna Resigns
Could a budding scandal have caused his sudden departure?

India To Get New Intel Chiefs
The heads of India’s intelligence agencies are expected to retire by the end of the year. Who will replace them?