James Holmes
Everything old is new again. As in past ages, rising and established powers are gazing seaward–and thinking about how to use sea power to advance their power and purposes. Professor Jim Holmes sizes up the prospects for competition and cooperation in maritime Asia–looking back across history to catch sight of the future.

Surface Combat Fleets: Obsolete?
With America and others developing “carrier killer” missiles, what does the future hold for surface navies in wartime?

George Orwell: Strategic Genius?
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu and…George Orwell? The Naval Diplomat explains.

The End of an Era: The Battleship Yamato
“Temeraire, Titanic, Yamato—history suggests the last word on naval technology hasn’t been uttered yet.”

What to Make of China's Defense Spending Increase
The amounts the U.S. and China invest in usable firepower are closer than raw spending figures indicate.

Three Reasons Why China Isn't Imperial Germany (It's Tougher)
“The weak can offset the advantages enjoyed by the strong…”

The Arc of Chinese Strategy
“The EP-3 incident offered a foretaste of what the coming decade-plus would bring.”

The Cold War Meets Taiwan
“China resembles the Soviet Union of old in its approach to cross-strait relations.”

Four Reasons Not to Pivot to Europe
Some are arguing for the United States to “pivot” towards Europe. James Holmes gives us four reasons to stay the course.

America's Pivot, Taiwan and Anti-Access
Will the U.S. pivot to Asia help enhance or degrade Taiwan’s security? Our Naval Diplomat weighs in.
The Importance of Clear Writing
“Victory may go to the contestant who conveys ideas more fluently, not the one with superior ideas.”

Adapting to Change
Massive shocks that shatter outdated ways of transacting business are few and far between.

America's Deterrence Problem
“If Tehran doubts either American capability or American fortitude, Washington will be unable to forestall a nuclear breakout.”