James Holmes
Everything old is new again. As in past ages, rising and established powers are gazing seaward–and thinking about how to use sea power to advance their power and purposes. Professor Jim Holmes sizes up the prospects for competition and cooperation in maritime Asia–looking back across history to catch sight of the future.

India's Aircraft Carrier Challenge
It’s hard for outsiders to take the measure of a navy in peacetime. News of India’s Russian built carrier does shed some light.

Thinking About the Unthinkable: War in the Senkakus
Japan is at a disadvantage in the Senkakus despite the Self-Defense Forces’ superior quality.

Taking a Page From Sci-Fi
What can science fiction tells us about present day military tactics and strategy? For one: an over reliance on technology can be fatal.

History Not Worth Emulating
“Americans and their leaders made the conscious political choice not to field a great navy—and paid a heavy price for that decision.”

Top 5 Reasons Not to Ballyhoo China’s Carrier
China has recently commissioned its first aircraft carrier. How does it stack up against its competition?
Bismarck, The Kaiser, and China
Why China’s recent actions conjure up some interesting historical comparisons.

"Command of the Sea by Non-Traditional Means."
It takes unconventional methods to command the sea against an unconventional enemy.
The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War: Part V
“…even the ultimate outcome of a war is not always to be regarded as final.”

The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War: Part IV
China’s Rope-a-Dope Strategy: Don’t expect the PLA to pit strength against strength until it has to.

The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War: Part III
U.S. commanders should be narrow-minded when plotting a Pacific offensive (in geospatial terms, anyway).
The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War: Part II
“PLA anti-access defenses cannot hoist an impenetrable shield over the Western Pacific…”

The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War
The Naval Diplomat explores in a five-part series how events in such a conflict could unfold.