James Holmes
Everything old is new again. As in past ages, rising and established powers are gazing seaward–and thinking about how to use sea power to advance their power and purposes. Professor Jim Holmes sizes up the prospects for competition and cooperation in maritime Asia–looking back across history to catch sight of the future.

What Air Power Can and Cannot Accomplish
By James R. Holmes
The war against ISIS can't be won from the air, but air forces can keep IS from winning.

Aerial Refueling: Air Power's Kryptonite
By James R. Holmes
For A2/AD against the U.S. Air Force, all the PLA has to do is attack its tanker aircraft.

3 Lessons From Saratoga
By James R. Holmes
The Naval Diplomat's guide to the Battle of Saratoga.

3 Ways China Could Respond to UNCLOS Ruling
By James R. Holmes
How will China respond to the UNCLOS ruling in the Philippines tribunal case?

Can America Save the World Order?
By James R. Holmes
Kissinger says the current world order is under threat. To rebuild it the US must first rebuild itself.
Dispatch From Hawaii
By James R. Holmes
The Naval Diplomat explores how to lie with art and Hawaii’s lessons for the U.S. today.

In Iraq, Beware of Destruction Without Control
By James R. Holmes
So long as man lives on land, there's only so much air power can accomplish.

A Clausewitzian View of NATO
By James R. Holmes
Allies won't help defend nations that refuse to defend themselves.

Why We Must Defend UNCLOS
By James R. Holmes
Only by defending constitutions, laws and treaties are the only way for them to have meaning.

China’s War on Maritime Law
By James R. Holmes
China is using language to quietly redefine international maritime law.

Setting Naval Priorities
By James R. Holmes
The Naval Diplomat on the USS Saratoga, China's rogue pilots and setting naval priorities.

Exposing China’s Provocations
By James R. Holmes
U.S. and allied forces should film Chinese assertiveness and let the whole world see it firsthand.