James Holmes
Everything old is new again. As in past ages, rising and established powers are gazing seaward–and thinking about how to use sea power to advance their power and purposes. Professor Jim Holmes sizes up the prospects for competition and cooperation in maritime Asia–looking back across history to catch sight of the future.

In Iraq, ISIS Channels Mao
By James R. Holmes
Unlike al-Qaeda, ISIS seems to understand Mao Zedong's classic Phase III battlefield struggle.

The Nine-Dashed Line Isn’t China’s Monroe Doctrine
By James R. Holmes
Don’t drink the kool-aid Beijing is peddling. The nine-dashed line is nothing like the Monroe Doctrine.

Deterring China = Capability x Resolve x Belief
By James R. Holmes
The U.S. shouldn't unnecessarily antagonize China but it must underscore its capability and resolve to Beijing.

Strategy 101: Know Thy Enemy, Know Thy Self
By James R. Holmes
Isoroku Yamamoto and Admiral Chester Nimitz's strategies were reciprocals of each other.

Taking the Fight to Enemy Submarines
By James R. Holmes
By using geography to their advantage, ASW forces can seize the offensive—for a change.

Full-Spectrum Anti-Submarine Warfare
By James R. Holmes
By shifting its outlook on undersea combat, the U.S. Navy can restore that competitive dimension of war at sea.

5 Ways Europe Can Help the US Pivot
By James R. Holmes
Crimea has woken Europe up to geopolitics. Here's how it can help the U.S. pivot to Asia.

Navies of the World: The Royal Navy in the Pacific
By James R. Holmes
The Naval Diplomat begins his series on middle power navies in the Indo-Pacific with the United Kingdom

The Valor of the ‘Everyman’
By James R. Holmes
How to honor the sacrifices ordinary people make in extraordinary situations.

US Conventional Power and Nuclear Asia
By James R. Holmes
To stop allies in Asia from going nuclear, the U.S. needs to shore up its conventional military power.

SSBNs and Strategic Stability in the Second Nuclear Age
By James R. Holmes
New ballistic missile submarine fleets could destabilize the nuclear order.

The Perils of Island Warfare
By James R. Holmes
It’s a lot easier to take an island than it is to hold on to it.