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Governing From Weakness: The LDP Under Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru

Governing From Weakness: The LDP Under Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru

By Sheila A. Smith
Ishiba is in a far weaker political position than his immediate predecessors – and has far more international volatility to contend with.
Traveling Through Myanmar’s War-Ravaged Arakan

Traveling Through Myanmar’s War-Ravaged Arakan

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
In the region of Myanmar now held by the Arakan Army, the impacts of war and decades of economic neglect are easily visible.

Is the Indian Ocean Ready for Another Mega-Tsunami?

Is the Indian Ocean Ready for Another Mega-Tsunami?

By Alistair D. B. Cook
The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami sparked the world’s largest humanitarian and disaster recovery effort. But 20 years on, governments still fail to sufficiently integrate disaster reduction into longer-term strategic thinking.

Kelly Grieco on Indo-Pacific Reactions to Trump’s Reelection

Kelly Grieco on Indo-Pacific Reactions to Trump’s Reelection

By Shannon Tiezzi
“The Trump administration can have a tough-on-China policy, or it can have a tough-on-allies policy, but it probably cannot have both.”

The United States and the Democracy Question in South Asia

The United States and the Democracy Question in South Asia

By S. D. Muni
The inconsistencies and contradictions in U.S. democracy promotion, are not limited to one particular administration, but to the U.S. approach as a whole.
Southeast Asia’s Semiconductor Play

Southeast Asia’s Semiconductor Play

By James Guild
Integrated circuits are acquiring ever greater currency as a geopolitical flashpoint, and this is creating a window of opportunity for countries that are eager to move up the value chain.

The State – and Fate – of America’s Indo-Pacific Alliances

The State – and Fate – of America’s Indo-Pacific Alliances

By Derek Grossman
China is the biggest factor behind the continued development of the U.S. alliance network – a trend that works independently of, and supersedes, any political dynamics in Washington.
Russell Hsiao on US Policies and Taiwan’s Politics

Russell Hsiao on US Policies and Taiwan’s Politics

By Shannon Tiezzi
“Perhaps more so than in other countries given its unique political status, Taiwan’s voters attach greater significance to foreign policy and more precisely relations with the United States and China.”

How Jokowi Conquered Indonesian Politics

How Jokowi Conquered Indonesian Politics

By Joseph Rachman
He’s long been the most popular politician in the country. But will his 10 years in power leave a lasting legacy?

Kazakhstan’s Nuclear Power Conundrum

Kazakhstan’s Nuclear Power Conundrum

By Togzhan Kassenova
What is true and not in the arguments for and against nuclear power in Kazakhstan? Why does Russia loom so large in this debate? And is the government listening to the people?

The 75-Year Quest to Make China Great Again

The 75-Year Quest to Make China Great Again

By Elizabeth Economy
On the surface, there is little that connects Xi Jinping’s PRC to that of Mao and Deng. But a closer examination of Xi’s rejuvenation strategy reveals an enduring set of political and economic principles and a high degree of policy continuity.
Moonis Ahmar on the Future of Bangladesh-Pakistan Relations

Moonis Ahmar on the Future of Bangladesh-Pakistan Relations

By Jannatul Naym Pieal
“Pakistan’s alignment with the BNP or Jamaat has always been counterproductive.”

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