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The Solomon Islands-China Relationship: 5 Years On

The Solomon Islands-China Relationship: 5 Years On

By Georgina Kekea
The diplomatic relationship between the Solomon Islands and China has had profound and far-reaching effects on the country’s development, economy, and political landscape.
Kashmir at the Boiling Point as Elections Loom

Kashmir at the Boiling Point as Elections Loom

By Anando Bhakto
Behind the government’s narrative of new stability and prosperity lies suppressed, collective anger.

The Domestic Politics Behind Inter-Korean Relations

The Domestic Politics Behind Inter-Korean Relations

By Ellen Kim
Recent actions by North and South Korea demonstrate a deep breakdown in their relationship. What are the political calculations driving this dynamic on both sides?

Amin Saikal on the United States’ Many Mistakes in Afghanistan

Amin Saikal on the United States’ Many Mistakes in Afghanistan

By Catherine Putz
The United States “overestimated the power that the U.S. military could bring to bear in changing Afghanistan.”

A Grand Coalition and a New Era in Mongolia

A Grand Coalition and a New Era in Mongolia

By Anand Tumurtogoo
Mongolia’s ruling party unexpectedly formed a grand coalition with its opposition. Will this usher in a new era of cooperative governance, or consolidate what critics call an authoritarian turn?
The US CHIPS Act, 2 Years Later

The US CHIPS Act, 2 Years Later

By Jacob Feldgoise
The CHIPS Act can succeed, but only if U.S. policymakers give it time to work and a mandate to focus on the future.

Fear Not? The Economic Impact of Vietnam’s Political Churn

Fear Not? The Economic Impact of Vietnam’s Political Churn

By Zachary Abuza and Nguyen Phuong Linh
Political stability is supposed to be one of Vietnam’s selling points, but its politics remain opaque and everything tends to come as a surprise.
Radha Kumar on Kashmir, 5 Years After Article 370 Was Scrapped

Radha Kumar on Kashmir, 5 Years After Article 370 Was Scrapped

By Catherine Putz
Five years after the hollowing out of Article 370, “Alienation from the Indian union is high in the valley.”

SCO Expansion: A Double-Edged Sword

SCO Expansion: A Double-Edged Sword

By Eva Seiwert
China and Russia have pushed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization beyond its original mission, at the expense of practical regional collaboration.

Japan’s Enhanced Security Engagement With the Pacific Islands

Japan’s Enhanced Security Engagement With the Pacific Islands

By Céline Pajon
The expansion of security and defense cooperation stands as the most spectacular change in Japan’s contribution to the region in recent years.

Indian Foreign Policy Under Narendra Modi: A Decade of Transformation

Indian Foreign Policy Under Narendra Modi: A Decade of Transformation

By Siddharthya Roy
Modi’s assertive foreign policy approach has redefined India's image to that of a more proactive global player. But can India live up to the hype?
Sara Hsu on China’s Economic Policy Under Xi Jinping

Sara Hsu on China’s Economic Policy Under Xi Jinping

By Shannon Tiezzi
Under Xi, China’s economic approach “has been and is likely to be state-led innovation and development.”

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