
Central Asia Comes Out of the Russian Shadow
By Erica Marat
The region’s search for language, historic memory, cultural heritage and – above all – dignity received a new impetus from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Bangladesh’s Democracy Under Siege
By Zarif Faiaz
With a notorious track record of crackdowns on the opposition and the free media, a lot is riding on Bangladesh's general elections next year.

War and Truce: The Korean Armistice at 70
By Se Young Jang
Why was the Korean War never permanently ended? Part of the answer is rooted in the role of South Korea in settling this military conflict.

Revisiting RAMSI’s ‘Success Story’
By Anouk Ride
In disarmament and quelling immediate violence, RAMSI was a success. Its state-building efforts, however, are more controversial.

The Continued Imprisonment of Idris Hasan
By Nicholas Muller
With an increase in detentions of Uyghurs abroad, many feel like they can’t escape from China no matter how far they run.

Duncan McCargo on the Thai Opposition’s Big Win
By Sebastian Strangio
Thailand’s election result was remarkable. What does it say about recent changes in Thai politics and what lies ahead?

Kalay: A Case Study of Resistance in Myanmar
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
The city in northwestern Myanmar was one of the first to see anti-coup protests – and also among the first to see pitched battles between resistance fighters and the military.

What Will It Take to Finally Build a ‘New Uzbekistan’?
By Madina Amin
Since 2016, Mirziyoyev’s reforms have often served two purposes: a populist aim paired with an overriding interest in regime security.

What Drives the Taiwanese Fighting in Ukraine?
By James Baron
Many Taiwanese feel a sense of kinship with Ukraine as it battles an invading neighbor. But only a few have made the heavy choice to travel to Ukraine and take up arms.

Pakistan in Crisis: Imran Khan vs. the Army Chief
By Ayesha Siddiqa
Even if the establishment manages to put Khan behind bars, his political ghost will not be that easy to get rid of.

Yuichi Hosoya on Japan’s G7 Summit
By Shannon Tiezzi
“The G-7 has exemplified Japan’s identity as a liberal democracy as well as serving as a valuable tool to sustain the economic growth of the global economy.”

China in the Pacific: The Fiji Case
By Patricia O’Brien
The specter of geostrategic competition being mapped onto Fiji’s political fault lines remains a distinct possibility that would be deeply damaging for the nation, and region, as a whole.