New Emissary

Asia-Pacific Still in Oscar Running
Two remaining contenders for the 2011 Academy Awards highlight crucial issues facing the region and its people.
The Many Shades of Beauty
Western beauty standards seem to favor tanned skin to pale. Is the grass just always greener on the other side?

Natural vs. Light?
Asians spend billions a year on products and treatments to ‘whiten’ their skin. Is it time to turn the focus to inner beauty?
Asia and the Fashion Future
Seamless or even spray-on attire may not be too far away in fashion’s future. Will Asian consumers be driving progress?
More Art Savvy Tips
If you want to expand your overall knowledge and enjoyment of art, here are two expert ideas for getting started.
A Dynamic Fashion World
As one of the most dynamic regions in the world, there’s lots more change to come for Asia, including in fashion.

India’s Animated Future: To Come
What is the current state of the animation industry in India? A little ‘behind’ globally, but maybe not for long.
Bringing Down Ai Weiwei?
The artist’s $1.2 million Shanghai studio’s been torn down. What larger ‘trend’ might this gov’t move indicate?
India’s 1st Animated Superhero
Ashoka the Hero is a departure from mythological story-lines and poorly dubbed Japanese anime imports.
Two Ways to Get Art-Savvy
If one of your 2011 resolutions is to learn more about art, here are two expert ideas for getting started on a ‘savvy’ New Year.
Jason Wu: Taiwan’s Pride
How has this fast-rising young designer become a source of inspiration and pride for many Taiwanese?
Architecture for Autism?
A Tokyo-based architect’s unique initiative for children might provide hope through a ‘primitive future’ style.