
Photo Essays

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The Faces of Bangkok's Homeless

The Faces of Bangkok's Homeless

By Caleb Quinley
A closer look at the homelessness problem in Thailand's capital city.
Mongolia Votes

Mongolia Votes

By Peter Bittner
The Diplomat's Peter Bittner provides a first-hand look at election day in Mongolia's capital, Ulaanbaatar.

A Haircut for Mongolia's 'Half-Wild' Horses

A Haircut for Mongolia's 'Half-Wild' Horses

By Dimitri Staszewski
An inside look at a spring ritual among the nomads of the Mongolian steppe.

Damming the Nam Tha in Northern Laos

Damming the Nam Tha in Northern Laos

By Scott Ezell
The transformation of a river, and community, before and after dam construction begins in earnest.

Thailand's Drought Struggle

Thailand's Drought Struggle

By Cory Wright
Many parts of Thailand are in the grip of one of the worst droughts in decades.
The Farming Palettes of Yunnan

The Farming Palettes of Yunnan

By Sugato Mukherjee
The farming area of Dongchuan offers some stunning, multicolor vistas.

Hope and Horror in Cambodia’s Virachey National Park

Hope and Horror in Cambodia’s Virachey National Park

By Greg McCann
Rare wildlife -- and the poachers who target it -- caught on camera.
Visions of Nepal: One Year After the Quake

Visions of Nepal: One Year After the Quake

By Vishal Arora
Recovery has been slow, but the Nepalese remain impressively stoic.

Myanmar: The Dawei Special Economic Zone

Myanmar: The Dawei Special Economic Zone

By Brennan O'Connor
Amid delays, local opposition to the project is growing.

Kokang Refugees in China

Kokang Refugees in China

By Ann Wang
Having fled from the ethnic conflict in Myanmar, the refugees face an uncertain future.

Digging for Mines in Afghanistan

Digging for Mines in Afghanistan

By Ivan A. Flores
International efforts are slowly bringing hope to an otherwise grim situation.
Nepal: A Study in Perseverance

Nepal: A Study in Perseverance

By Miguel Cano
Amid the harshest adversity, Nepalese try to pick up the pieces.

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