Sport & Culture

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea to Film in Australia?
Disney is in talks with the Australian government on tax incentives to shoot a remake of a classic film down under.

Iran, U.S. to Fight IOC’s Wrestling Cut
Iran and the U.S. are setting politics aside to save wrestling’s place at the 2020 Olympics.

Anoushka Shankar Joins One Billion Rising Campaign
Ravi Shankar’s daughter said she was sexually abused by a family acquaintance as a child.

South Korean Footballer Park Jong-woo Gets His Bronze
Park Jong-woo has been forgiven for fanning political flames at the London Olympics.

Valentine’s Day in Asia: Love and Business
Asia’s take on Valentine’s Day turns the Western view of the holiday on its head.

The Legacy of Ping-Pong Diplomat Zhuang Zedong
Ping-pong legend Zhuang Zedong, who helped open U.S.-China diplomatic relations, has died at 72.

Judo Scandals Rock Japan
As Tokyo revs up its Olympic bid, a succession of sporting scandals has clouded the effort.

The Year of the Snake Slithers In
The most important holiday in the Chinese calendar kicked off last weekend.

Match-Fixing and Doping Investigation Shocks Sports Fans
Investigations into widespread doping and match-fixing are underway in Australia and Europe, respectively.

Berlinale Kicks Off with Wong Kar-wai’s Grandmaster
Asian movie might is on full display at this year’s Berlin Film Festival, with Wong Kar-wai at the center.

Brad Pitt Thaws China Ties
Brad Pitt, who is banned from entering China, has opened a Weibo account and is studying Mandarin. Why?

Kashmiri All-Girl Rock Band Quits After Fatwa
A fatwa against Kashmiri rock band Praagaash has sparked debate about religious intolerance.