Tokyo Notes

Plugging Japan's Debt Hole
The govt needs to be more creative in tackling debt. Consumption tax exemptions could be a start.
Kan Should Learn From Koizumi
Naoto Kan faces a big fight over joining the TPP free trade pact. Is it time to learn from the past—and get decisive?

Should Parents Vote for Kids?
An academic study proposes a radical solution for dealing with Japan’s demographic crisis.

Kan’s Last Cabinet Reshuffle?
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has just reshuffled his cabinet. Will it be the last chance he gets?
Japan’s 1st Lady: ‘Kan Won’t Quit’
Nobuko Kan says her husband wants to change Japan for the better—and she’ll be supporting him with tough love.

Japan’s Leadership Lifeline?
Should the DPJ introduce four-year terms for its party presidents in an effort to reduce the short-termism mentality?

Kan Shouldn’t Ditch Sengoku
By keeping his right-hand man in the Cabinet, Kan can send a strong message that he won’t be blackmailed.

Should Japan Just Relax?
Commentators are always quick to warn of Japan’s impending demise. But are things really as bad they’re made out?

Kan Sets 2011 Agenda
The Japanese PM has set out three principles to guide his government in the New Year. But will he choke?

Japan Drops Cap and Trade
Naoto Kan bows to industry pressure and drops proposals for a nationwide cap and trade scheme.

Ozawa Relents, Will Testify
Ruling party kingmaker Ichiro Ozawa is seemingly pressured into appearing before the Diet. But what’s in it for him?

No New Year Sunrise for Kan
It has been a tough year for Naoto Kan and his ruling DPJ. Things don’t look likely to improve anytime soon.