
Tokyo Report

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Japan’s Kishida Announces He Will Not Run in LDP Leadership Race, Paving the Way for a New Prime Minister

Japan’s Kishida Announces He Will Not Run in LDP Leadership Race, Paving the Way for a New Prime Minister

By Mari Yamaguchi
Kishida, who has suffered dwindling support ratings that have dipped below 20 percent, will not seek re-election as the ruling party’s president in September.
Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Commemoration Overshadowed by Israel-Palestine Divisions

Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Commemoration Overshadowed by Israel-Palestine Divisions

By Takahashi Kosuke
Ambassadors from Japan's G-7 partners skipped the event, decrying a perceived snub of Israel.

Japan Issues First ‘Megaquake’ Warning

Japan Issues First ‘Megaquake’ Warning

By Catherine Putz
Following a magnitude-7.1 earthquake in the Nankai Trough, Japanese authorities have warned of an increased risk of a significant earthquake.

Japan’s Sado Island Gold Mines Designated as UNESCO World Heritage Site With South Korea’s Backing

Japan’s Sado Island Gold Mines Designated as UNESCO World Heritage Site With South Korea’s Backing

By Eunwoo Lee
Japan and South Korea are covering up Sado Island’s dark side in a severe misconstruction of the meanings of UNESCO World Heritage, diplomacy, and history.

How Tokyo’s Young Activists Are Leading Japan’s Pro-Palestine Movement 

How Tokyo’s Young Activists Are Leading Japan’s Pro-Palestine Movement 

By Sena Chang
Many Japanese youths share a deeper motivation for advocating peace in Palestine: an intense belief in their own country’s complicity in the war.
Kishida Has Returned From the Political Precipice Before. Can He Do It Again?

Kishida Has Returned From the Political Precipice Before. Can He Do It Again?

By Shamshad A. Khan
Despite consistently low approval ratings, Kishida seems insistent on retaining the LDP presidency. How will he fare in the upcoming leadership race?

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

By Jio Kamata
The upcoming LDP election will be a battle over policy and personality, and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his predecessor, Suga Yoshihide, symbolize the LDP's internal divide.
Nippon Ishin no Kai’s Baba Nobuyuki Faces Hard Political Realities in Tokyo and Osaka

Nippon Ishin no Kai’s Baba Nobuyuki Faces Hard Political Realities in Tokyo and Osaka

By Jason Morgan and Kenji Yoshida
An interview with the opposition party leader on the push for political reform and setbacks to the upcoming World Expo in his political stronghold.

Japan’s Defense White Paper Sounds Alarm Over China, North Korea, Russia

Japan’s Defense White Paper Sounds Alarm Over China, North Korea, Russia

By Takahashi Kosuke
A situation similar to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may occur in East Asia, Tokyo warns.

In Okinawa, 2 New Sexual Assault Cases Implicating US Soldiers Fuel Public Anger

In Okinawa, 2 New Sexual Assault Cases Implicating US Soldiers Fuel Public Anger

By Takahashi Kosuke
Unless corrective measures are made, and quickly, the anti-U.S. military base sentiment and movement in Okinawa will grow, damaging Japan-U.S. cooperation at a crucial time.

The Significance of East Asia’s Trilateral Summit

The Significance of East Asia’s Trilateral Summit

Arguments that it produced no results are misplaced.
Japan’s Decades-long Diplomatic Transformation

Japan’s Decades-long Diplomatic Transformation

By Keikichi Takahashi
Japan’s post Cold War foreign policy evolution stems from emerging threats abroad and political reforms at home. 

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