Trans-Pacific View

US East Asian Allies Offer Congratulations to Trump
By Shannon Tiezzi
Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have cause to be nervous, given some of Trump’s past actions and statements. But their leaders chose to express optimism in their first public reactions.

Trump’s Second Term and the Future of the Quad
By Laura van der Hoeven
The grouping gained steam under President Joe Biden, who saw it as a crucial means to counterbalance China’s growing influence.

If Trump Wins, What Will His China Policies Be?
By Bonnie Girard
Donald Trump, like every other president, has his own policies and priorities. Unlike presidents before him, Trump is not worried about hurting Beijing’s feelings in the process.

With an Eye Toward Indian American Votes, Trump Decries Violence in Bangladesh
By Jannatul Naym Pieal
Donald Trump’s belated condemnation of violence against minorities in Bangladesh is primarily a political maneuver, rather than an expression of genuine concern for the affected communities.

South Korea, US Hold ‘2+2’ Meeting Amid Spiking Tensions With the North
By Mitch Shin
The two sides condemned the North’s ICBM test and its apparent deployment of troops Russia.

The Mongolia-US Strategic Partnership Under the Biden Administration
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Throughout history, changes in U.S. administrations have shaped Mongolia-U.S. bilateral relations and economic activities. How had Biden's term impacted the relationship?

The US Congressional Elections Will Shape China Policy, Too
By Jiachen Shi
The new U.S. Congress will be as important as the next president in setting the direction for future China policy in Washington.

Reimagining Strategic Denial in the Indo-Pacific for Contemporary Competition With China
By Jonah Bock
Today the threat to U.S. interests posed by adversaries has become much more multi-faceted. The understanding of strategic denial must also evolve.

Nippon Steel’s Bid for US Steel: National Security Concerns or Political Grandstanding?
By James Maclaren
Nippon Steel’s proposal to merge with U.S. Steel is not just a corporate transaction – it’s a strategic move in a high-stakes geopolitical game.

‘De-risking’ vs. ‘Strategic Decoupling’: Understanding Harris’ and Trump’s Approaches to Economic Security
By Kazuo Waki
These two terms represent the conceptual foundations of each candidate's economic security policies, especially regarding China. But what do they actually mean?

The US Risks Irrelevance in Asia
By Hunter Marston
Washington’s credibility problem would be easier to address if U.S. policymakers knew what they wanted in Asia (and don't say primacy; that ship has sailed).

Harris, Human Rights, and a Problem for Modi
By Šumit Ganguly
Trump won’t bother about India’s human rights record. Harris might. That’s a worry for the Modi administration.