Zachary Keck

How South Asia Resolves Maritime Disputes
By Zachary Keck
South Asia’s use of international tribunals to settle maritime disputes should be emulated in East Asia.

Iran’s Middle East Nightmare
By Zachary Keck
The last few years have not been kind to Iran, especially in the Middle East.

China’s Changing Position on Japan’s History
By Zachary Keck
In recent years, China has significantly hardened its stance on Japan acknowledging its imperial past. Why?

Taiwan and Japan’s Collective Self-Defense
By Zachary Keck
Though left unsaid, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan figured prominently into Tokyo’s reinterpretation of Article 9.

China Won’t Be a Different Kind of Global Power
By Zachary Keck
Like the U.S. before it, the China of today will be the hegemon of tomorrow.

Is China a Paper Tiger?
By Zachary Keck
Plus, Fukuyama on the absurdity of U.S. foreign policy. Weekend reading links.

China’s Media Endorses RIMPAC (Well, Sort Of)
By Zachary Keck
A Global Times editorial endorses RIMPAC and Sino-U.S. military cooperation, but it isn’t happy about it.

Can India Avoid Iraq’s Sectarian Conflict?
By Zachary Keck
Around 25,000 Indian Shias have volunteered to travel to Iraq to defend the Shia government in Baghdad.

China’s Growing Hegemonic Bent
By Zachary Keck
More and more, China is engaging in the same kind of hegemonic actions it has always denounced in others.

China’s Deafening Silence on Iraq
By Zachary Keck
The Iraq crisis again shows that even as China demands major power status, it remains entirely unwilling to act like one.

Will Iran Play the Crimea Card in Iraq?
By Zachary Keck
Not unlike Russia in Ukraine, Iran says it will intervene in Iraq to protect the country’s Shia people and holy sites.

Asia’s Coming Nuclear Arms Race
By Zachary Keck
The introduction of MIRVed missiles in Asia is likely to prompt a major nuclear arms race in the region.