Zachary Keck

‘The End of History’: 25 Years On
By Zachary Keck
Plus, is amphibious assault not dead after all? Pacific Realist links.

History’s Judgment: The Iraq Surge Failed
By Zachary Keck
Iraq's unraveling confirms that, based on its own definition of success, the 2007 surge failed.

Nuclear Bombers in an A2/AD World
By Zachary Keck
Anti-access/area-denial capabilities will not impact the nuclear mission of America’s bomber fleet.

China ‘Internationalizes’ South China Sea Dispute
By Zachary Keck
By raising the oil rig dispute with Vietnam at the UN, China risks setting a dangerous precedent for itself.

Would You Like an F-35 With Your Aegis?
By Zachary Keck
It’s no coincidence that the Asian nations with Aegis combat systems are also the ones buying the F-35.

Why D-Day Would Fail Today
By Zachary Keck
Modern defense technology has made seaborne invasions all the more difficult.

D-Day Validates Realism
By Zachary Keck
U.S. WWII policy in general, and the landing at Normandy in particular, were based on realist logic.

Tiananmen Square in the Age of Twitter
By Zachary Keck
The real wild card in assessing whether Tiananmen Square could happen today is the role of social media

The Strategic Logic of the US-Taliban Prisoner Swap Deal
By Zachary Keck
Debates over the merits of the U.S.-Taliban prisoner swap agreement are missing the point.

To Lead In Asia, Japan Must Take China to Court
By Zachary Keck
Acknowledging the Senkaku dispute and appealing to international law would benefit both Japan and ASEAN.

N. Korea Won’t Cause a Nuclear Domino in Asia (But China Might)
By Zachary Keck
If there is a nuclear arms race in Asia, China's conventional military power will be to blame.

In Asia, Fears of North Korea's Collapse Grow
By Zachary Keck
A number of signs suggest that South Korea and China believe the risk of North Korea’s demise is growing.