April 11, 2012

China, Philippines in Standoff
The standoff between a Philippine warship and Chinese ships is a reminder of South China Sea tensions.

China's South China Sea Claim
News that China is planning to map the South China Sea is raising concern in the region, including India.

Why Iran Will Compromise
Pessimists argue little will come of the latest Iran talks. But a regime struggling for survival may compromise.

Bangladesh Eyes More Tests
Bangladesh has made some big strides since becoming a test cricket playing nation. But it needs more matches.
Does East Asia Have an Israel?
North Korea looks set to press ahead with a satellite test. Are any neighbors considering a preemptive strike?

Last Chance Saloon with Iran?
Iran still has it within its power to avoid military action. But it must show tangible signs that it’s changing positions.

Time for North Korea Peace Treaty
The Obama administration should avoid doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. A conditional peace treaty would help break the cycle.
Wen Jiabao’s Reform Moment?
If Wen Jiabao wants to be remembered as a reformer he needs one big policy success. Can he grab it?
Wen Jiabao’s Reform Moment?
If Wen Jiabao wants to be remembered as a reformer he needs one big policy success. Can he grab it?

Santorum Withdrawal Reaction
Rick Santorum is out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination. It won’t hurt foreign policy debate.