
The Politics of China’s Land Appropriation in Bhutan
By Robert Barnett
China has built 22 villages and settlements within Bhutan’s customary borders. And there is no sign that Bhutan can do anything about it – or that Beijing will face any costs.

Decoding Newly Appointed Indian Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri’s Visit to Bhutan
By Rishi Gupta
Misri's visit to Thimphu came on his fourth day in office as the foreign secretary, reflecting Bhutan’s strategic primacy in India’s ongoing border conflict with China.

Female Migrant Workers in Bhutan’s Liquor Industry
By Samiksha Rai and Jelle J.P. Wouters
For Bhutanese women, work in the liquor industry involves a trade-off between economic and gendered vulnerabilities.

Bhutan’s Tourism Dilemma: Balancing Economy and Sustainability
By Rishi Gupta
Bhutan has long capped tourism to prevent adverse impacts on the environment. With the economy suffering, is it time for a change?

Why a Bhutan-India Tourism Meeting Excited Entrepreneurs in Nepal
By Birat Anupam
Bhutan’s embrace of regional tourism could be a major boost for connectivity in the entire BBIN subregion.

Modi’s Visit to Bhutan Amid Elections in India Raises Questions
By Sudha Ramachandran
His government appears apprehensive over a Bhutan-China deal that undermines Indian security.

Bhutan and India: Decoding the Strategic Saga
By Rishi Gupta
Bhutan’s new prime minister just concluded his India visit, and now India’s PM is heading to Bhutan.

Indian Foreign Secretary Visits Bhutan as New Government Takes Charge
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The Indian foreign secretary’s visit came as the new Bhutanese government is preparing to work out its complex border issues with China.

Bhutan’s Long Journey Into the World Trade Organization
By Ladislav Charouz
25 years after Bhutan first applied to join the WTO, recent developments seem to be giving Thimphu a final push.

Gelephu: The World’s First Mindfulness City Is in Bhutan
By Namgay Zam
The city is envisioned as Bhutan’s new economic hub – an opportunity to capitalize on the economic corridor linking South Asia to Southeast Asia.

People’s Democratic Party Wins Elections in Bhutan
By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Unlike in other parts of South Asia, where elections are plagued with controversy, Bhutan’s fourth general election was peaceful and not divisive.

What’s Next for Bhutan After Its Election
By Shannon Tiezzi
Tenzing Lamsang, editor of The Bhutanese, discusses why voters chose the PDP and what the new government has planned, particularly for Bhutan's ailing economy.
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