

Germany Is Phasing out Chinese Tech From 5G Networks. Is It the Right Call?

Germany Is Phasing out Chinese Tech From 5G Networks. Is It the Right Call?

By Aparna Divya
Germany’s decision to exclude ZTE and Huawei parts from its 5G networks stems from geopolitical anxieties and strategic concerns.

Monitoring China’s Mineral Stockpiling and Understanding Its Military Implications

Monitoring China’s Mineral Stockpiling and Understanding Its Military Implications

By Gregory Wischer and Morgan Bazilian
Discerning when China is stockpiling – and why – is increasingly challenging given China’s increasing secrecy about mineral-related information. 
Why China Isn’t Ready (Yet) to Mediate a Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal

Why China Isn’t Ready (Yet) to Mediate a Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal

By Andrew Devine
Even though it is in China’s interest to lead a peace deal in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the benefit of waiting for the strategically optimal time outweighs the potential risks.

Growth Without Progression: The Contradictions Facing China’s Urban Youth 

Growth Without Progression: The Contradictions Facing China’s Urban Youth 

By Yi Jing Fly and Laura Grünberg
Buzzwords like “lying flat” and “involution” suggest that the connection between hard work and success has been severed in the minds of many young Chinese. 

China Mediates a New Era of Palestinian Unity 

China Mediates a New Era of Palestinian Unity 

By Mohamad Zreik
After talks in Beijing, Fatah, Hamas, and other factions have agreed to form a unified government representing Palestine.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Is America Ready for the New Cold War?

Is America Ready for the New Cold War?

By Monish Tourangbam and Arushi Singh
The U.S. faces a crisis of leadership at home and grapples with a perception problem abroad. 

What the Third Plenum Means for China’s Decarbonization Effort

What the Third Plenum Means for China’s Decarbonization Effort

By Chris Hankin
As the share of renewables grows, China is shifting from controlling energy consumption to controlling carbon emissions specifically.
China: A Silent Ally Protecting Venezuela’s Maduro

China: A Silent Ally Protecting Venezuela’s Maduro

By Carlos Eduardo Piña
The unconditional political, diplomatic and economic support offered by Beijing has been key to keeping the Bolivarian regime in power, from Chavez to Maduro.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Seeks ‘Common Ground’ With China in Talks on Ending War With Russia

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Seeks ‘Common Ground’ With China in Talks on Ending War With Russia

By Ken Moritsugu
Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is making his first visit to China since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Intense competition, epitomized by competing “corridors,” is emerging in Asia and beyond between the U.S., China, and Russia. 

Can the US ‘Resolve Tibet Act’ Make a Difference?

Can the US ‘Resolve Tibet Act’ Make a Difference?

By Marie Miller and Tenzin Lhadon
The act takes a landmark step in challenging the CCP’s historical revisionism. But the U.S. should be prepared to offer concrete support to the Tibetan community, which is already beginning to feel the CCP’s retaliation.
The Risks of China’s Loans to Uzbekistan

The Risks of China’s Loans to Uzbekistan

By Anastasia Galimova, Yura Park, Ch.Sabyrbek, and Navruz Karimov
The China Development Bank alone has loaned $2.2 billion to Uzbekistan, but there is virtually no publicly available information on the lending terms.

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