
Hong Kong

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How the Yellow Economic Circle Can Revolutionize Hong Kong

How the Yellow Economic Circle Can Revolutionize Hong Kong

By Simon Shen
Building the grassroots economic movement could be the key to breaking the establishment's economic stranglehold.
Pro-Democracy Legislators in Hong Kong Need International Support

Pro-Democracy Legislators in Hong Kong Need International Support

By Joy Park
The CCP is taking advantage of the the coronavirus crisis to execute its vision of completely stripping Hong Kong of its remaining freedoms.

Lawmakers Ejected in Scuffles at Hong Kong’s Legislature

Lawmakers Ejected in Scuffles at Hong Kong’s Legislature

By Associated Press
The fracas, centered on control of the House Committee, pitted pro-democracy and pro-Beijing faction against each other.

What Are America’s Interests in Hong Kong?

What Are America’s Interests in Hong Kong?

By Jin Kai
The hardnosed new U.S. approach to Hong Kong may actually end up undermining U.S. interests in the region.

China’s Strategy for Hollowing out Hong Kong

China’s Strategy for Hollowing out Hong Kong

By Simon Shen
Beijing’s fixation on national security legislation is an alarming signal for Hong Kong’s future.
As COVID-19 Loses Steam, Hong Kong Protests Heat Up

As COVID-19 Loses Steam, Hong Kong Protests Heat Up

By Associated Press
Dwindling case counts, coupled with Beijing’s latest moves to consolidate control over the city, have protesters braving in-person demonstrations yet again.

Targeted in Hong Kong, Causeway Bay Books Has a New Home: Taiwan

Targeted in Hong Kong, Causeway Bay Books Has a New Home: Taiwan

By Kuang-shun Yang
Lam Wing-kee found refuge in Taiwan. Can the island offer safe harbor to more Hong Kong democracy activists?
Hong Kong Arrests Spark Fears of Crackdown

Hong Kong Arrests Spark Fears of Crackdown

By Associated Press
The U.S. and U.K. condemned the arrests of democracy activists over the weekend.

Hong Kong’s Domestic Workers: When ‘Stay at Home’ Means ‘Live at Work’

Hong Kong’s Domestic Workers: When ‘Stay at Home’ Means ‘Live at Work’

By Alexandra Chan
Amid the coronavirus outbreak, Hong Kong’s “live-in rule” poses a dilemma for migrant domestic workers.

Hong Kong’s Protests Amid COVID-19: A Dying Movement or a Halted War?

Hong Kong’s Protests Amid COVID-19: A Dying Movement or a Halted War?

By Brian Wong
The seeming peace in Hong Kong reflects a gathering storm on the horizon – a storm Hong Kong and Beijing alike must address.

Hong Kong’s Refugees in the Time of Coronavirus

Hong Kong’s Refugees in the Time of Coronavirus

By Jason Hung
Hong Kong’s most marginalized – including refugees – are at particular risk. Time for the government and society to take action.
Helping Hong Kong’s Economy Weather Protests and Coronavirus

Helping Hong Kong’s Economy Weather Protests and Coronavirus

By Jason Hung
The Hong Kong government has a chance to correct the city’s economic over-reliance on tourism.

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