
Nepali PM to Travel to China on First Bilateral Visit
By Sudha Ramachandran
Prime Minister Oli is widely regarded as “pro-China.” His visit to Beijing will only deepen that perception.

Africa-India Ties: The Continent’s Next Big Relationship or Over-Hyped?
By Barnaby Joseph Dye and Punkhuri Kumar
One year after India secured a seat at the G-20 for the African Union, the relationship has not lived up to expectations.

Modi’s Double Standard on Violence Against Religious Minorities
By Rashad Ullah Khan
India's prime minister was right to condemn the violence that broke out in front of a Hindu temple in Canada. If only he paid as close attention to violence in India against religious minorities.

Solar Power: A New Opportunity for India-Taiwan Ties
By Anushka Saxena and Rakshith Shetty
India and Taiwan have an important opportunity to create a renewable energy partnership that can act as a new alternative to China’s dominance.

India Confident of Managing Ties With Transactional Trump
By Elizabeth Roche
Trump is unlikely to raise issues like India’s democratic backsliding or its ties with Russia. Trade and immigration could be irritants.

Proposed Australian Cap Latest Headache for Indian Students
By Jinusha Panigrahi
Australia's proposed cap on international student enrollments is the latest headache for Indian higher education students looking to study abroad.

Germany’s Pivot to India
By Muhammad Murad
For both geopolitical and geoeconomic reasons, Germany has a growing interest in India.

100 Years of the Discovery of the Indus Valley Civilization: How It Shaped Indian Politics
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Harappa has proved to be a hurdle before Hindu nationalists’ Vedic Aryan superiority theory.

Understanding India’s Approach to Nuclear Strategy
By Alex Alfirraz Scheers
While Pakistan has always been India’s greatest security concern, China’s nuclear journey has played a considerable role in the evolution of its strategic outlook.

India’s Canada Policy Is a Strategic Mistake
By Dr. Muqtedar Khan and Shivani Pandey
If there is no course correction, it might damage India’s international image, diminish its soft power, and create a rift with the Western powers.

The Caste Census Controversy in India
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The issue of a caste census is torn between the ideas of social justice and political correctness.

Asia’s Security Order According to India
By Jagannath Panda and Richard Ghiasy
New Delhi’s vision for a multilateral, multipolar Asia aims at ensuring it can both balance China’s growing dominance in the region and restore its historic status in Asia.