

JGSDF Plans to Build a Missile Firing Range on Japan’s Easternmost Island

JGSDF Plans to Build a Missile Firing Range on Japan’s Easternmost Island

By Takahashi Kosuke
This will be the first launch range for a missile with a firing range of over 100 kilometers in Japan.

Kishida Has Returned From the Political Precipice Before. Can He Do It Again?

Kishida Has Returned From the Political Precipice Before. Can He Do It Again?

By Shamshad A. Khan
Despite consistently low approval ratings, Kishida seems insistent on retaining the LDP presidency. How will he fare in the upcoming leadership race?
The Collateral Victims of Kim Jong Un’s About-Face on Korean Unification

The Collateral Victims of Kim Jong Un’s About-Face on Korean Unification

By Meredith Shaw
The rejection of unification marked a massive paradigm shift for the North Korean state and its sympathizers – including Japan’s pro-North Korean community.

Building Resilient Critical Minerals Supply Chains for the Quad

Building Resilient Critical Minerals Supply Chains for the Quad

By Akshat Singh
To “China-proof” their critical minerals supply chains, Quad nations must improve intra-Quad partnerships, while solidifying trade with other countries.

Interview With Dr. Choi Eunmi: Can the Japan-South Korea Friendship Endure?

Interview With Dr. Choi Eunmi: Can the Japan-South Korea Friendship Endure?

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
“The shared problem is that neither country sufficiently sought to convince its citizens of the importance of its neighbor.”

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Equipping the Japan-US Alliance to Handle China’s Disinformation Operations

Equipping the Japan-US Alliance to Handle China’s Disinformation Operations

By Jeffrey W. Hornung and Mina Pollmann
While much of the recent analytical focus has been on its role in a crisis, disinformation can have pernicious, real-world effects in peacetime. 

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

By Jio Kamata
The upcoming LDP election will be a battle over policy and personality, and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his predecessor, Suga Yoshihide, symbolize the LDP's internal divide.
Nippon Ishin no Kai’s Baba Nobuyuki Faces Hard Political Realities in Tokyo and Osaka

Nippon Ishin no Kai’s Baba Nobuyuki Faces Hard Political Realities in Tokyo and Osaka

By Jason Morgan and Kenji Yoshida
An interview with the opposition party leader on the push for political reform and setbacks to the upcoming World Expo in his political stronghold.

Navigating Next-Gen Air Power in the Indo-Pacific

Navigating Next-Gen Air Power in the Indo-Pacific

By Wilder Alejandro Sánchez
The United States’ Indo-Pacific adversaries are already working on their next-generation fighter jets. Washington can’t fall behind.

Japan Warms up to NATO 

Japan Warms up to NATO 

By Yukari Easton
Nothing can substitute Japan’s collective defense with the United States, but working with a multilateral bloc such as NATO is an important effort to bolster deterrence. 

Japan’s Defense White Paper Sounds Alarm Over China, North Korea, Russia

Japan’s Defense White Paper Sounds Alarm Over China, North Korea, Russia

By Takahashi Kosuke
A situation similar to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may occur in East Asia, Tokyo warns.
The Folly of Interlinking NATO and US Asian Alliances

The Folly of Interlinking NATO and US Asian Alliances

By James Park and Artin DerSimonian
NATO’s drift into the Asia-Pacific could only heighten tensions in an already fraught regional environment. 

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