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It’s Election Season in Nepal Again

It’s Election Season in Nepal Again

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Parties have come together in pre-election alliances, but will these alliances hold after the results are announced?
Implications of India’s Agnipath Scheme for Recruitment of Soldiers for Nepal’s Gurkhas

Implications of India’s Agnipath Scheme for Recruitment of Soldiers for Nepal’s Gurkhas

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Despite the scheme having major implications for Nepal and Nepal-India relations, India hardly consulted Kathmandu while devising the plan.

Nepal’s Ad Hoc Policies Toward China

Nepal’s Ad Hoc Policies Toward China

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Nepal's foreign policy establishment needs to reach a consensus on what constitutes actions against the interest of its neighbors.

Nepal’s Holy Bagmati River Choked With Black Sewage, Trash

Nepal’s Holy Bagmati River Choked With Black Sewage, Trash

By Binaj Gurubacharya
As in the past, people bring the bodies of deceased loved ones to the banks of the river but prefer using water from bottles purchased in shops to purify the body these days.

Will Reform of Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority Ever Take Off?

Will Reform of Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority Ever Take Off?

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
The country’s aviation safety and tourism sector will remain grounded so long as vested interests stand in the way of necessary legislation.
Making Sense of the Nepal Army’s Engagement With Big Powers

Making Sense of the Nepal Army’s Engagement With Big Powers

By Biswas Baral
China, India, and the U.S. all want to influence Nepal through engagement with its army. What does the Nepal Army want?

India’s BJP Reaches Out to Nepal’s Political Parties

India’s BJP Reaches Out to Nepal’s Political Parties

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Its invitation to Maoist Center chief Dahal signals that it is willing to build bonds even with those it differs ideologically.
What Lies Behind Chinese Delegation’s Visit to Nepal?

What Lies Behind Chinese Delegation’s Visit to Nepal?

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Growing U.S. influence in Nepal together with the fragmentation of the Nepali communists is worrying Beijing.

Small State, Big Agenda? Nepal in the Gulf Labor Migration Market

Small State, Big Agenda? Nepal in the Gulf Labor Migration Market

By Froilan T. Malit, Jr. and Anuj Tiwari
How can Nepal compete with larger migrant-sending states like India without jeopardizing the wellbeing of its workers?

Nepal Plans to Lower Age at Marriage

Nepal Plans to Lower Age at Marriage

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
The minimum age was set higher to ensure that girls finish school, become independent and make informed choices. Will the proposed change reverse the gains achieved?

India-Nepal Diplomatic Relations at 75: Full of Contradictions

India-Nepal Diplomatic Relations at 75: Full of Contradictions

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
The two countries share strong cultural, religious, political, and economic ties. The same issues can pull them apart.
Nepal Backs Away From US State Partnership Program

Nepal Backs Away From US State Partnership Program

By P.K. Balachandran
Suspicious about the military content and wary of antagonizing China, Nepal rejects a U.S. disaster mitigation program.   

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