
North Korea

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North Korea’s New Friend?

North Korea’s New Friend?

By Sebastian Strangio
A rare visit by a North Korean official to Cambodia raises the faint prospect of more engagement with Southeast Asia. But ties with Phnom Penh are complicated.
Welcome to Asia, Secretary Panetta

Welcome to Asia, Secretary Panetta

Asia is bound to be a focus for Leon Panetta as US defence secretary. With China’s rise, India and Pakistan squabbling and a belligerent North Korea, there’s plenty to do.

Escaping North Korea

Escaping North Korea

By Sebastian Strangio
The hundreds of North Koreans escaping into China each year are facing ever tougher border controls. Those caught face imprisonment and torture.

North Korea Readying New Surprise?

North Korea Readying New Surprise?

With US attention focused on the Arab World and Pakistan, will Kim Jong-il spring another attention seeking nuclear surprise?

Calling a Rogue a Rogue

Calling a Rogue a Rogue

North Korea and Pakistan have many differences. But they also share some key similarities—not least a history of taking the US for a ride.

Why North Korea Doesn’t Engage

Why North Korea Doesn’t Engage

Pyongyang isn’t interested in genuine talks, Richard Bush tells The Diplomat. Kim Jong-il is likely just stalling while the country perfects a nuclear weapon.

Asia Makes Life Tough for IAEA

Most eyes may now be on the nuclear crisis in Japan. But North Korean defiance and Iran’s stalling remain the IAEA’s big headaches.

Is North Korea Next?

Is North Korea Next?

Kim Jong-il’s regime has been censoring reports of unrest in the Arab world. It’s a sign of how worried his regime is about its survival.

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums

Frozen out of talks and wanting attention, the Kim regime made a calculated decision to up the ante in 2010, Weston Konishi tells The Diplomat.

Living in a Despot’s Walled Garden

Living in a Despot’s Walled Garden

North Korea’s development of a walled garden ‘app’ is only the most extreme example of what governments may do to restrict web access.

China's relations in the Asia-Pacific: North Korea

China's relations in the Asia-Pacific: North Korea

By L. Gordon Flake
It's time for China to stop enabling North Korea's bad behaviour. It's current approach threatens regional stability.
Hope vs Experience On North Korea

Hope vs Experience On North Korea

Inter-Korean defence talks take place next month. But until there’s a leadership change in Pyongyang, don’t expect any breakthroughs.

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