
North Korea

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‘North Korea’s Committing Genocide’

‘North Korea’s Committing Genocide’

Robert Park grabbed global headlines after walking into North Korea on Christmas Day, 2009. He tells The Diplomat why he’s now angry with Seoul.

North Korea’s Unsurprising Surprises

North Korea’s Unsurprising Surprises

In the first of a series of interviews looking back on 2010, we speak to ICG analyst Daniel Pinkston about events on the Korean Peninsula.

What Russia can do on North Korea

What Russia can do on North Korea

Keen to boost its profile in East Asia, Russia is pressing to play a bigger role in tackling tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea’s Dangerous Escalation

North Korea’s Dangerous Escalation

The Diplomat speaks with Korea analyst L. Gordon Flake about this week’s artillery exchange between North and South Korea.

Getting Ready for Kim Jong-un

Getting Ready for Kim Jong-un

The Diplomat speaks with Korea analyst Scott Snyder about the North Korean leadership succession and what to expect under a Kim Jong Un regime.

Lee’s North Korea Gambit

Lee’s North Korea Gambit

The South Korean leader seems to be trying some ‘legacy diplomacy’. But can he really make progress if Kim Jong-il steps down?

Kim Jong-il’s Slush Fund Woes?

Kim Jong-il’s Slush Fund Woes?

By Bryan Kay
Bureau 39 has been dubbed Kim’s own slush fund. A chain of eateries offers a glimpse into how the North Korean body makes cash.
Korea After Kim Has Gone

Korea After Kim Has Gone

Kim Jong-il’s youngest son is favourite to succeed him. But his prospects once installed are bleak—unless China steps in.

What Next With North Korea?

What Next With North Korea?

And will Kim’s successors play his brinkmanship games? The Diplomat asks Asia analyst Adam Ward at the Shangri-la Dialogue.

Get Ready for DPRK Collapse

Get Ready for DPRK Collapse

The Six-Party Talks are looking hopeless, says Minxin Pei. It’s time for policymakers to start planning for the worst. Now.

China Prefers Devil It Knows

Chinese policymakers are looking for a change of behavior in North Korea, not in its regime, argues Richard Weitz.

N. Korea’s Comic Propaganda

N. Korea’s Comic Propaganda

Want to understand Kim Jong-il’s regime? A good place to start might be its cartoons, says Geoffrey Cain.

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