North Korea
The Information Age:N. Korean Style
The “Hermit Kingdom” has slowly embraced cell phones and cyberspace – on its own terms. Those expecting that technology will lead to a “Pyongyang Spring” will be disappointed.
A Roll of the Dice: North Korea's Economic Reform Gamble
There are mixed signs change may lie ahead for North Korea’s troubled economy. While reform is possible, big challenges lie ahead.
North Korea’s Six Trillion Dollar Question
North Korea holds trillions of dollars in mineral resources. Unless it reforms its economy, it may never see much benefit.
What’s Going On In North Korea?
By Kosuke Takahashi
U.S., China’s Clashing Korea Dreams
The U.S. policy of outsourcing its North Korea policy to China has been a dismal failure. Beijing has very different ideas from Washington on what the Korean Peninsula should look like.
Tackling North Korea’s Missile Quest
There’s much we don’t know about North Korea’s missile program. But it’s abundantly clear a new defense strategy is called for.
Don’t Return to Korea Status Quo
Two decades of engagement have gone nowhere with North Korea. It’s time to take steps to undermine the foundations of the regime itself.
Plugging U.S. Missile Defense Gaps
A series of tactical errors mean North Korea is taking American threats increasingly less seriously. The U.S. has military technical and operational options for changing this quickly.
The Week in Asia
North Korea’s rocket launch, China’s economic growth slowing and criticism of India’s treatment of women feature in our weekly roundup of the news you might have missed this week in Asia.
Time for North Korea Peace Treaty
The Obama administration should avoid doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. A conditional peace treaty would help break the cycle.
And You Think North Korea’s Crazy?
North Korea’s vow to launch a satellite next month has flummoxed some observers. But unless China steps in forcefully, everything will go according to Pyongyang’s plan.
How to Stop Kim’s "Satellite" Test
North Korea’s promise to launch a satellite has prompted international condemnation. But the U.S. and others have options available to stop it.