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Pakistan’s Military Says March Suicide Attack That Killed 5 Chinese Was Planned in Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Military Says March Suicide Attack That Killed 5 Chinese Was Planned in Afghanistan

By Munir Ahmed
An army spokesperson said the attack, which killed Chinese engineers working on Pakistan’s Dasu Dam, was carried out by an Afghan national.
The Politics Behind Pakistan’s Controversial Judicial Reform Plan

The Politics Behind Pakistan’s Controversial Judicial Reform Plan

By Umair Jamal
It is considering extending the term of Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa, who is known to be close to the Sharif government.

Millions of Afghans Made Pakistan Home to Escape War. Now Many are Hiding to Escape Deportation.

Millions of Afghans Made Pakistan Home to Escape War. Now Many are Hiding to Escape Deportation.

By Riazat Butt and Adil Jawad
Some 600,000 Afghans have returned home since last October, when the crackdown began, meaning at least a million remain in Pakistan in hiding.

India and Pakistan’s New Shadow Rivalry

India and Pakistan’s New Shadow Rivalry

By Krzysztof Iwanek
When Pakistan is more active in building relations with a certain Muslim-majority country, India engages more with that country’s rival. 

Balochistan as a Major Departure Point for Human Smuggling

Balochistan as a Major Departure Point for Human Smuggling

By Mariyam Suleman Anees
An estimated 80,000-100,000 Pakistanis – those smuggled as well as the trafficked – cross international borders illegally annually.
Inter-group Militant Cooperation and Rivalries in Pakistan’s Newly Merged Districts

Inter-group Militant Cooperation and Rivalries in Pakistan’s Newly Merged Districts

By Abdul Basit
ISKP has survived the hostile environment of the NMDs through alliances with like-minded groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Jandullah.

Strategic Choices: Will Pakistan-India Normalize Relations in 2024? 

Strategic Choices: Will Pakistan-India Normalize Relations in 2024? 

By Syed Adnan Bukhari and Khurram Abbas
Unless geopolitical conditions change, rapprochement remains a distant prospect.
Strategic Policy Needed for Pakistan’s SMEs

Strategic Policy Needed for Pakistan’s SMEs

By Rameen Shahid
Implementing a proactive strategic policy for Pakistani SMEs is imperative, as the performance of domestic industries is the biggest advertisement for outsiders to follow suit and invest in the country. 

Iran and Pakistan’s Peace Pipeline Conundrum

Iran and Pakistan’s Peace Pipeline Conundrum

By Namita Barthwal
Pakistan faces a difficult decision: penalties for failing to construct a gas pipeline to Iran, or U.S. sanctions for building it.

Pakistani Business Leaders Pitch for Trade Talks With India

Pakistani Business Leaders Pitch for Trade Talks With India

By Umair Jamal
But the country’s aggressive posturing against India will make it difficult for the government to take the process forward.

Pakistan, Iran to Enhance Efforts at a ‘United Front’ Against Afghanistan-based Militants

Pakistan, Iran to Enhance Efforts at a ‘United Front’ Against Afghanistan-based Militants

By Munir Ahmed
The two countries allege that the TTP and Islamic State are operating from bases in Afghanistan.
Iran and Pakistan Vow to Boost Trade to Mend Diplomatic Rift

Iran and Pakistan Vow to Boost Trade to Mend Diplomatic Rift

By Munir Ahmed
The two sides discussed a multi-billion gas pipeline project, on hold since 2014, during Iranian President Raisi’s visit to Islamabad.

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