
South Korea

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The Relevance of the South Korea-US Alliance

The Relevance of the South Korea-US Alliance

By John Power
Given South Korea’s economic transformation, how important is the presence of U.S. troops today?
Three Hypotheses on Korea’s Intense Resentment of Japan

Three Hypotheses on Korea’s Intense Resentment of Japan

By Robert E. Kelly
Another perspective on the troubled relations of the East Asian neighbors.

South Korea’s Japanese Mirror

South Korea’s Japanese Mirror

By Danny Leipziger
South Korea should not make Japan's mistake and delay on much-needed reforms.

Reinventing the Inter-Korean Relationship

Reinventing the Inter-Korean Relationship

By Park Geun-hye
South Korea’s president considers the way forward for relations with North Korea.

South Korea’s Tear Gas

South Korea’s Tear Gas

By John Power and Philip Iglauer
Shipments of the agent to Bahrain reveal the country’s uncertainty in its role as a middle power.
US-Japan Alliance Sparks Korean Grand Strategy Debate

US-Japan Alliance Sparks Korean Grand Strategy Debate

By Robert E. Kelly
Korea’s issues with Japan are much more deep-seated than U.S. policymakers seem to understand.

Is the China-South Korea Honeymoon Over?

Is the China-South Korea Honeymoon Over?

By J. Berkshire Miller
Beijing-Seoul ties had been warming considerably, at Japan’s expense. Will the ADIZ row derail them?
What South Korea Can Learn from South Asia’s Nuclear Experience

What South Korea Can Learn from South Asia’s Nuclear Experience

Those calling for South Korea to go nuclear should look at the India-Pakistan experience.

Korea’s Multicultural Growing Pains

Korea’s Multicultural Growing Pains

A recent incident involving Little Psy highlights South Korea’s struggles with its growing racial diversity.

Cyber Security in South Korea: The Threat Within

Cyber Security in South Korea: The Threat Within

Authorities blame North Korea for recent attacks. Evidence suggests they should look closer to home.

South Korea: Who Should Have Wartime Command?

South Korea: Who Should Have Wartime Command?

By Robert E. Kelly
The saga over U.S. OPCON – wartime control of the South Korean military – continues.
F-35: Still on Asia’s Radar?

F-35: Still on Asia’s Radar?

Several Asian countries are interested in the American F-35 JSF. But Canada’s U-turn on buying the jet won’t encourage Asian partners to sign up any time soon. Will the program survive?

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