
South Korea

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South Korea’s F-X Project and Structural Disarmament

South Korea’s F-X Project and Structural Disarmament

The ROK’s plans for next-generation fighters could prove very costly indeed.

North Korean Threats Deepen Southern Nuclear Insecurities

North Korean Threats Deepen Southern Nuclear Insecurities

Worries about the U.S. umbrella prompt some to call for the ROK to develop its own nuclear capabilities.

Abenomics Is Not More Dangerous Than North Korea

Abenomics Is Not More Dangerous Than North Korea

By Robert E. Kelly
A recent claim to the contrary by South Korea’s finance minister is breathtaking.

Middlepowerism & Continuity in South Korean Foreign Policy

Middlepowerism & Continuity in South Korean Foreign Policy

The way Seoul defines its middle-power status could offer the best insight into its policy direction.

Not a Good Idea: American Nukes in South Korea

Not a Good Idea: American Nukes in South Korea

The redeployment of tactical nuclear weapons to the Korean Peninsula would be a Cold War solution to a 21st century problem.

Park Geun-hye Takes the Reins

Park Geun-hye Takes the Reins

Park enters office in South Korea facing a daunting array of domestic and foreign policy challenges. She may very well prove up to the task.

South Korea’s Presidential Election: Formula for Victory

South Korea’s Presidential Election: Formula for Victory

South Korea’s Presidential Election on Wednesday will turn on three factors, says Scott A. Snyder: which side unifies its base, demographics, and voter turnout.

A Battle for the 'Seoul' of South Korea's Economy

A Battle for the 'Seoul' of South Korea's Economy

By Robert E. Kelly
S. Korea's transformation into a service and information-driven economy will require change - away from copying towards innovation.

A 'Stealth' Showdown in South Korea

A 'Stealth' Showdown in South Korea

The F-35 should be the only game in town to build 60 new fighter aircraft for South Korea. Instead, its turned into a three-way race.

South Korea's Presidential Showdown: The Forgotten Issue

South Korea's Presidential Showdown: The Forgotten Issue

While the economy dominates the election, South Korea’s next president will have important foreign policy choices to make.

More Money, More Problems in South Korea

More Money, More Problems in South Korea

A perfect storm of government debt, easy consumer credit and a culture of consumption could lead to economic disaster.

Congress’s Risky Chest-Thumping

Congress’s Risky Chest-Thumping

A provision by House Republicans requiring the Obama administration to consider deploying tactical nuclear weapons to Asia was about sounding tough. It was also dangerous.

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