
South Korea

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No to U.S. Nukes in South Korea

No to U.S. Nukes in South Korea

A U.S. House committee is pressing the U.S. to consider redeploying tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea. It’s a bad idea.

South Korea’s Bumpy Election Year

South Korea’s Bumpy Election Year

The surprise poll win by the ruling Saenuri Party has put Park Geun-hye in the driver’s seat for the presidential election. But seven months is a very long time in Korean politics.

South Korea’s New Beef with U.S.

The announcement of a new case of mad cow disease in U.S. beef has sparked protests. But they say as much about mistrust of any ally than about food safety.

Korea: A Model for Southeast Asia?

South Korea’s accomplishments extend beyond its economic growth. Its political shift from authoritarian rule to a vibrant democracy could be a model for some ASEAN countries.

Pendulum Swings in South Korea

Pendulum Swings in South Korea

South Korea’s ruling Saenuri Party pulled off a surprise victory in this week’s National Assembly elections. The contest offered some insights into the changing face of politics there.

Preventing Nuclear Disaster

Preventing Nuclear Disaster

The IAEA has confirmed almost two dozen incidents of theft or loss of fissile materials. Last week’s nuclear, though, ended with no agreement on enforcement to stop terrorists acquiring them.

Canada’s Asia Fixation

Canada’s Asia Fixation

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper can’t seem to keep away from Asia these days. He has a decade of relative neglect to make up for.

South Korea’s Nuclear Challenge

After the Fukushima disaster almost a year ago, residents in the South Korean city of Gyeongju worry their government isn’t doing enough to prevent something similar.

Why Beijing-Seoul Ties So Fraught

Why Beijing-Seoul Ties So Fraught

North Korea looms over ties between China and South Korea. Indeed, the future of the North Korean regime goes to the very heart of longstanding tensions.

South Korea Military Mulls Future

South Korea Military Mulls Future

International attention may be focused north of the border. But the case of a gay soldier could spark a rethink of South Korea’s military conscription.

South Korea's Silenced Speak

South Korea's Silenced Speak

South Korea’s patriarchal society has often pressured victims of sexual crimes to keep quiet. But a blockbuster movie revealing the abuse of children could help change this.

South Korea’s Misguided Pier Plan

South Korea’s Misguided Pier Plan

Seoul’s plan to develop a naval base on Ulleung Island is aimed at boosting its claim over the disputed Dokdo islets. It will also inflame tensions with Japan.

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