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Settling the Caspian Issue and Realizing the Trans-Caspian Energy Corridor
By Fabio Indeo
Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan’s aims to diversify their energy export markets got a boost recently.
A Fillip for the TAPI Pipeline
By Micha'el Tanchum
In the run-up to the groundbreaking ceremony the troubled pipeline has enjoyed a financial and geopolitical boost
Is Turkmenistan the Next Central Asian Tiger?
By Nicola Contessi
The country has been authoritarian and isolationist, but its reforms are beginning to show promise.
Arms Race on the Caspian?
By Joshua Kucera
Nations around the Caspian Sea are boosting their navies. With Russia and the West involved as well, it’s getting complicated.
Interview with Ali Allawi
James Robertson recently caught up with Allawi for The Diplomat to discuss what he calls ‘The Crisis of Islamic Civilization’, as Barack Obama prepares to visit the Middle East to deliver a major address redefining US relations with Islam.
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