December 13, 2010

How China’s Jets Threaten Russia
China’s suspected proclivity for copying weapons systems has made Russia wary of exporting its technology. Still, the Russians may one day end up with a taste for ‘Made in China’ hardware.

WikiLeaks’ Thai Revelations?
WikiLeaks sheds some interesting light on the case of alleged arms smuggler Viktor Bout.
A Delhi ‘Culture Report’
There’s been remarkable change in New Delhi’s cultural landscape—including in dining, drinking habits and food stores.

A Story of Indian Corruption
Corruption is rife in India. Sadly, politicians seem to think they’re just ‘interpreting’ the rules.

Kan Tactless on North Korea
Naoto Kan’s suggestion of an SDF deployment to South Korea in the event of war was badly timed.
What's Taking Ozawa so Long?
Ichiro Ozawa’s failure to explain himself to the Diet over a funding scandal hardly helps the DPJ’s image.

What Shanghai’s PISAs Really Say
Were Shanghai’s PISA scores really a Sputnik moment? Or did they just take the tests more seriously?

What Shanghai’s PISAs Really Say
Were Shanghai’s PISA scores really a Sputnik moment? Or did they just take the tests more seriously?