January 27, 2011

Pakistan’s Hurt Locker
Peshawar is a hotspot for suicide and IED attacks. Mustafa Qadri travels with the city’s bomb squad to find out how local police are coping.

Singapore Needs More Babies
The country’s fertility rate has hit a new low. What else can the govt do to encourage people to have more kids?
Art in the Best Surroundings
The atmosphere of an art exhibit can make or break the experience for a visitor. Japan’s art world should take note.

New START Just a Start
New START has been ratified by Russia’s Duma. But it’s only the beginning in efforts to boost international security.

The Twisted Logic of Taiwan
Will the 1992 Consensus between Beijing and Taipei be undermined by changing views of identity?
Combating Complacency
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s latest cabinet reshuffle smacks of an unhealthy complacency.
Hawker Accused Book Published
Tatsuya Ichihashi’s account of his life after the murder of Lindsay Hawker raises moral and legal questions.