May 25, 2011

How to Solve Afghanistan
The best way to ensure stability and make the Taliban irrelevant is to legitimize the Afghan state, argues Masood Aziz.

Kicking the Great Firewall
A shoe thrown at the father of China’s ‘Great Firewall’ shows the problems officials face keeping the country closed.
ISA & One Man’s Mischief
Malaysian officials aren’t treating Muhammad Akan Ali Mohammad as a joke after reports of terrorism links.
ISA & One Man’s Mischief
Malaysian officials aren’t treating Muhammad Akan Ali Mohammad as a joke after reports of terrorism links.

Pakistan’s Latest Wake Up Call
The attack by militants on the Mehran naval base in Karachi is a reminder of the threat Islamists pose to Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Latest Wake Up Call
The attack by militants on the Mehran naval base in Karachi is a reminder of the threat Islamists pose to Pakistan.

Japan’s TPP Short-Termism
Japan’s government has again deferred a decision on a key trade pact. The delays are hurting the country.