
East Asia

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Japan’s Prime Minister to Declare State of Emergency as Early as Tuesday

Japan’s Prime Minister to Declare State of Emergency as Early as Tuesday

By Associated Press
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that he will declare a state of emergency for Tokyo and six other prefectures, but that there will be no hard lockdowns.
US Forces Japan Declares Public Health Emergency Amid Virus Fears

US Forces Japan Declares Public Health Emergency Amid Virus Fears

By Ankit Panda
U.S. Forces Japan takes precautions as COVID-19 spreads in Japan.

A Return to Form in North Korea?

A Return to Form in North Korea?

By Ankit Panda
Kim Jong Un gets back to missile testing.

Taiwan Will Donate 10 Million Masks in Bid to Aid Global Coronavirus Response

Taiwan Will Donate 10 Million Masks in Bid to Aid Global Coronavirus Response

By Nick Aspinwall
The masks will go to the U.S. and EU countries, along with Taiwan’s 15 diplomatic allies. Future mask donations will target South and Southeast Asian nations.

Trump Quietly Signs Legislation Strengthening Ties to Taiwan

Trump Quietly Signs Legislation Strengthening Ties to Taiwan

By Eleanor Albert
With the world focused on COVID-19, Trump signed the TAIPEI Act into law.
Japan’s Nightlife Begins to Fizzle Amid Coronavirus Economic Fallout 

Japan’s Nightlife Begins to Fizzle Amid Coronavirus Economic Fallout 

By Thisanka Siripala
As stay-at-home advisories gain traction and customer numbers dwindle, music venues, bars, and clubs say they face bankruptcy without subsidies.

On China, COVID-19, and Coal

On China, COVID-19, and Coal

By Antti Tulonen
Can the EU convince China not to lean on coal for its economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis?
The Latest Target of China’s Nationalistic Backlash: Chinese Returnees

The Latest Target of China’s Nationalistic Backlash: Chinese Returnees

By Chauncey Jung
Chinese nationalists are mobilizing hate against fellow citizens returning from abroad. The government seems content to sit back and watch.

Hong Kong’s Refugees in the Time of Coronavirus

Hong Kong’s Refugees in the Time of Coronavirus

By Jason Hung
Hong Kong’s most marginalized – including refugees – are at particular risk. Time for the government and society to take action.

Nearly 3,000 Sailors to Leave US Navy Carrier Amid Virus Outbreak

Nearly 3,000 Sailors to Leave US Navy Carrier Amid Virus Outbreak

By Associated Press
Nearly 3,000 sailors aboard a U.S. aircraft carrier where the coronavirus has spread will be taken off the ship by Friday, according to U.S. Navy officials.

South Korea Aims for Environmental Leadership Through Green Free Trade Agreements

South Korea Aims for Environmental Leadership Through Green Free Trade Agreements

By Annie Young Song
Environmental chapters in South Korea’s FTAs represent a way of demonstrating environmental leadership at low costs – a strategy that could be replicated in other emerging economies.
‘Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy’ Fails to Impress – or Reassure

‘Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy’ Fails to Impress – or Reassure

By Denny Roy
Though the credo is mainly a PR exercise to massage China’s image, it leaves plenty of cause for global concern.

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