
East Asia

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South Korea Will Keeps Its Military Intelligence Pact With Japan – For Now

South Korea Will Keeps Its Military Intelligence Pact With Japan – For Now

By Associated Press
Seoul had threatened to withdraw from the agreement amid bilateral tensions with Tokyo.
China’s Changing PR Strategy for the Hong Kong Protests

China’s Changing PR Strategy for the Hong Kong Protests

By Chauncey Jung
From evacuating mainland students to sending soldiers into the street, the CCP’s chosen narratives have shifted.

Dealing With Piracy in Asia Requires Clear Data

Dealing With Piracy in Asia Requires Clear Data

By Robert Farley
Can scholars play a more prominent role in regional discussions on piracy?

China Enters the UUV Fray

China Enters the UUV Fray

By David R. Strachan
HSU001 provides an intriguing look into China’s unmanned undersea ambitions.

A Cost-Sharing Conundrum for South Korea and Japan

A Cost-Sharing Conundrum for South Korea and Japan

By Jonathan Stutte
Exorbitant demands from the Trump administration put the already fragile Japan-Korea-U.S. security alliance at risk.
Assessing US Alliance Management in Asia Under the Trump Administration

Assessing US Alliance Management in Asia Under the Trump Administration

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the developments we have seen in U.S. alliances and partnerships in the region.

US Navy’s Newest F-35B-Carrying Amphibious Assault Ship Is Heading to Japan

US Navy’s Newest F-35B-Carrying Amphibious Assault Ship Is Heading to Japan

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The USS America recently arrived at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii en route to its new homeport of Sasebo in Japan.
Tsai Ing-wen Calls for Taiwan-US Bilateral Trade Agreement

Tsai Ing-wen Calls for Taiwan-US Bilateral Trade Agreement

By Nick Aspinwall
The TAIPEI Act, which passed the U.S. Senate last month, also urges negotiations for an FTA, but political obstacles prevent a deal from happening immediately.

Quo Vadis Hong Kong?

Quo Vadis Hong Kong?

By Patrick Hess
Demanding system change -- on either side -- is not a realistic way out of the crisis. Understanding the underlying traumas is.

The Trouble With Resuming Mount Kumgang Tourism

The Trouble With Resuming Mount Kumgang Tourism

By Saeme Kim
Pyongyang’s move to demolish South Korean facilities has Seoul in a bind, but jumping to restart cooperation would be unwise.

The US Congress Needs Facts, Not Hyperbole, on China’s Space Program

The US Congress Needs Facts, Not Hyperbole, on China’s Space Program

By Gregory Kulacki
Alarming and factually challenged assessments of China’s space program should not guide U.S. policy.
China’s Growing Amphib Fleet: A Cause for Long-Term Concern?

China’s Growing Amphib Fleet: A Cause for Long-Term Concern?

By Robert Farley
Is the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s growing set of amphibious capabilities a game-changer?

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