
East Asia

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China’s Communists Hold Key Meeting Amid Rising Challenges

China’s Communists Hold Key Meeting Amid Rising Challenges

By Associated Press
The fourth plenum kicked off in Beijing on October 28.
The Future of US-China Strategic Competition: Minding the Clarity Gaps

The Future of US-China Strategic Competition: Minding the Clarity Gaps

By Prashanth Parameswaran
While the outlines of a longer-term competition have been cohering, there are also lingering uncertainties as to how this phase of U.S-China relations will evolve.

Did South Korea Just Copy North Korean Fashion?

Did South Korea Just Copy North Korean Fashion?

By Tae-jun Kang
Controversy over new palace uniforms hints at deeper public discontent with the Moon administration's North Korea policy.

Russia-China Strategic Alliance Gets a New Boost with Missile Early Warning System

Russia-China Strategic Alliance Gets a New Boost with Missile Early Warning System

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The development is the latest indicator that the bilateral relationship is getting stronger.

Pence Doubles Down on ‘Tough on China’ Messaging

Pence Doubles Down on ‘Tough on China’ Messaging

By Eleanor Albert
At a recent speech, the U.S. vice president reprised his “bad cop” on China role.
Russia to Help China Develop an Early Warning System

Russia to Help China Develop an Early Warning System

By Dmitry Stefanovich
In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow was assisting Beijing in developing an early warning system.

The Battle of Leyte Gulf’s Limited Tactical Legacy

The Battle of Leyte Gulf’s Limited Tactical Legacy

By Robert Farley
What lessons do we take from the Battle of Leyte Gulf?
Taiwan and Hong Kong Spar Over Fate of Recently Freed Murder Suspect

Taiwan and Hong Kong Spar Over Fate of Recently Freed Murder Suspect

By Nick Aspinwall
Hong Kong and Taiwan disagree on how to handle the potential return of Chan Tong-kai, wanted for murder in Taiwan.

Indo-Pacific Conceptions in the Spotlight at China’s Xiangshan Forum

Indo-Pacific Conceptions in the Spotlight at China’s Xiangshan Forum

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Despite the many headlines the concept has generated, the state of the conversation and its future prospects remain unclear.

The United States Needs Japan and South Korea to Make Up

The United States Needs Japan and South Korea to Make Up

By Ellen Swicord
For Washington, resumed cooperation between its two most important Northeast Asian allies is a core interest.

Inside Hong Kong’s Leaderless Uprising

Inside Hong Kong’s Leaderless Uprising

By Magnus Ag
Young Hong Kongers, with dreams of democracy, continue their grotesquely uneven battle against Beijing. 
Friends from Hong Kong: Taiwan’s Refugee Problem

Friends from Hong Kong: Taiwan’s Refugee Problem

By Lev Nachman and Brian Hioe
Hong Kongers looking for asylum in Taiwan are hostage to the island’s 2020 presidential politics.

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