
East Asia

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Korea and the New Regional Paradigm

Korea and the New Regional Paradigm

By Clint Work
South Korea is at center stage of an emerging new paradigm in Northeast Asia.
Family Planning, Chinese Style

Family Planning, Chinese Style

By Tim Robertson
Should the decision to relax the one-child policy be seen as a welcome, humane reform?

Revelations on China’s Maritime Modernization

Revelations on China’s Maritime Modernization

By Andrew S. Erickson
The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence offers a wealth of new information on the PLA Navy.

China’s Crackdowns in Tibet

China’s Crackdowns in Tibet

By Kevin Holden
Rights groups are pushing for international action on the serial use of lethal force to crush Buddhist dissent.

Can Capitalism Take Off in North Korea?

Can Capitalism Take Off in North Korea?

By Hy-sang Lee
Flirtations with capitalism need to overcome a rigid ideology.
South Korea’s THAAD Decision

South Korea’s THAAD Decision

By Robert E. Kelly
Seoul is coming under pressure from all sides on the question of missile defense.

Why the ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative Matters for the EU

Why the ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative Matters for the EU

By Shaohua Yan
China’s grand initiative represents all sorts of opportunities for Europe.
Japan: Seeking Renewal in the Face of Decline

Japan: Seeking Renewal in the Face of Decline

By Andrew Oplas
Shinzo Abe’s constitutional reinterpretation has the potential to pay big dividends for the nation.

China and Non-Proliferation: Progress at Last?

China and Non-Proliferation: Progress at Last?

By Ian J. Stewart
China is often criticized for its record on nuclear non-proliferation. The reality is more nuanced.

People-to-People Diplomacy in China-Japan Relations

People-to-People Diplomacy in China-Japan Relations

By Zhiqun Zhu
With frosty relations at the highest levels, citizen exchange becomes all the more important.

No, China’s Not About to Collapse

No, China’s Not About to Collapse

By Timothy Heath
Yes, the CCP faces challenges, but it is stronger than you think.
The Problem With Taiwanese Eyes

The Problem With Taiwanese Eyes

By Jens Kastner
Amid stagnating wages and a brain drain, deprivation of daylight is ruining the eyes of Taiwan’s children.

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