
East Asia

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Japan to ASEAN: Tourists Yes, Terrorists No

Japan to ASEAN: Tourists Yes, Terrorists No

By Yo-Jung Chen
The country is welcoming Muslim tourists from Southeast Asia, but worries about the threat of terrorism.
China’s Hidden Children

China’s Hidden Children

By Stephanie Gordon
The country’s one-child policy has created an astonishing number of unregistered children.

An Opportunity for Japan-Korea Ties?

An Opportunity for Japan-Korea Ties?

By J. Berkshire Miller
Relations at the top remain prickly, but the two countries have a chance to work together on regional development.

Japan Inc.’s Offshore Gamble

Japan Inc.’s Offshore Gamble

By Anthony Fensom
The giants of Japan’s service sector are now looking overseas for opportunity.

Will South Korea Have to Bomb the North, Eventually?

Will South Korea Have to Bomb the North, Eventually?

By Robert E. Kelly
As North Korea expands its nuclear arsenal, will Seoul have to consider targeting missile sites at some point?
China’s New Silk Road and Its Impact on Xinjiang

China’s New Silk Road and Its Impact on Xinjiang

By Su-Mei Ooi and Kate Trinkle
China’s plans for Central Asia are likely to see Beijing take a tighter grip on the restive Xinjiang region.

How Chinese and Americans Understand Culture

How Chinese and Americans Understand Culture

By Brent Crane
The two countries seem to have very different perspectives when it comes to their culture.
China: Exit Counter-Intervention, Enter Peripheral Defense

China: Exit Counter-Intervention, Enter Peripheral Defense

By Michael Carl Haas
China’s focus on countering a U.S. military intervention along its periphery is alive and well.

The Koreas, Diplomacy, and Regional Autonomy

The Koreas, Diplomacy, and Regional Autonomy

By Robert E. Kelly
The days of Korea as the geopolitical football of the region are long gone.

The Implications of China’s Growth Slowdown

The Implications of China’s Growth Slowdown

By Brendan P. O'Reilly
Slowing Chinese growth could have repercussions that extend well beyond the economy.

Xi Jinping: China’s Undecided ‘Decider’

Xi Jinping: China’s Undecided ‘Decider’

By Ryan Mitchell
In all, Xi’s ideological moves seem to share just one core feature: giving himself room to maneuver more freely.
Are China’s THAAD Fears Justified?

Are China’s THAAD Fears Justified?

By Sukjoon Yoon
There is speculation that the U.S. will deploy its THAAD batteries to South Korea. Should China be worried?

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