
East Asia

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Shinzo Abe’s New Mandate

Shinzo Abe’s New Mandate

By Kristin Surak
Abe’s win at the polls signals a democracy in disarray and a shift to a neo-nationalist agenda.
Fixing the Senkaku/Diaoyu Problem Once and For All

Fixing the Senkaku/Diaoyu Problem Once and For All

By Mark E. Rosen
In fact, international law does provide an achievable solution to the China-Japan dispute.

2014: A Year in North Korean Security

2014: A Year in North Korean Security

By Francisco Galamas
A look at Pyongyang’s missile and nuclear programs over the past 12 months, and the region’s response.

Boxing's Great Leap Forward

Boxing's Great Leap Forward

By Luke Hunt
Pro boxing is taking off in China, helped by the emergence of a home-grown star.

Hong Kong: Taiwan’s Broken Mirror

Hong Kong: Taiwan’s Broken Mirror

By Barclay Bram Shoemaker
The outcome of the protests in one give the other a glimpse of what life might be like should it return to the mainland.
KMT’s Drubbing and a Surgeon’s Victory: Not Just Cross-Strait Relations

KMT’s Drubbing and a Surgeon’s Victory: Not Just Cross-Strait Relations

By Bao-chiun Jing
A big win in Taipei by an independent candidate owed to more than discontent over China policy.

The Strange Tale of Yeonmi Park

The Strange Tale of Yeonmi Park

By Mary Ann Jolley
A high-profile North Korean defector has harrowing stories to tell. But are they true?
5 Questions About Xi Jinping, Answered

5 Questions About Xi Jinping, Answered

By Mu Chunshan
Drawing on insider accounts, Mu Chunshan delves into the mysteries of Chinese politics under Xi Jinping.

The Okinawa Reality

The Okinawa Reality

By Ricky Hough
Geopolitical realities suggest that the recent election of an anti-base candidate is unlikely to change much.

What Hong Kong Occupy Could Achieve

What Hong Kong Occupy Could Achieve

By Stratos Pourzitakis
The protestors may not win genuine universal suffrage for 2017, but they may do something even more important.

Horse Riding, Tibetan Style

Horse Riding, Tibetan Style

By Marc Ressang
During the summer, the people of Kham showcase some impressive horsemanship.
Good Art in Bad Times

Good Art in Bad Times

By Vera Lim
The Hong Kong Occupy protests have inspired some fascinating art.

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