
East Asia

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China's Navy Is Already Challenging the US in Asia

China's Navy Is Already Challenging the US in Asia

By James R. Holmes
The PLA already contests maritime Asia with the United States.
Putting Hong Kong in Historical Context

Putting Hong Kong in Historical Context

By Peter Harris
‘The Occupy Central movement is about a lot of things that concern China’s present and its future.’

Hong Kong’s Counter-Protesters

Hong Kong’s Counter-Protesters

By Brendan P. O’Reilly
Not everyone in Hong Kong has supported the protests.

What Next for Hong Kong’s Democracy?

What Next for Hong Kong’s Democracy?

By Zhiqun Zhu
Protesters fail to realize China is already giving them more freedom than agreed upon in 1997.

Northeast Asia Diplomacy: A Trilateral Way Forward?

Northeast Asia Diplomacy: A Trilateral Way Forward?

By J. Berkshire Miller
A trilateral approach to China, Japan and South Korea relations may be able to do what bilateral negotiations cannot.
The Approaching Xinjiang Crisis Point

The Approaching Xinjiang Crisis Point

By Scott Devary
Crackdown or reform, Chinese leaders will be forced to take action soon if they hope to keep the peace.

China’s Climate Change Paradox

China’s Climate Change Paradox

By Stephen Junor
It is the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, but recent shifts in China give cause for hope.
Japan: Let Them Eat Whale

Japan: Let Them Eat Whale

By Martin Murphy
When it comes to whaling, perhaps it is time to give Japan what it says it wants.

Taiwan, Asia’s Secret Air Power

Taiwan, Asia’s Secret Air Power

By Ian Easton
A look at what Taiwan is doing to ensure its air defense and why it matters for the United States and the region.

The Dalai Lama and the Politics of Reincarnation

The Dalai Lama and the Politics of Reincarnation

By Tim Robertson
The Dalai Lama suggests he’ll be the last of his line, and in doing so challenges Chinese imperialism.

Hong Kong and China: One Country, Two Histories

Hong Kong and China: One Country, Two Histories

By Joseph Dobbs
Two different histories and two different worldviews. Why many Hong Kongers struggle with a national Chinese identity.
China’s Revisionist Orientation

China’s Revisionist Orientation

By John H.S. Åberg
China is not a revisionist power, but the recent air intercept indicates revisionist orientation

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