
East Asia

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Time for US and China to Establish Maritime Rules of the Road

Time for US and China to Establish Maritime Rules of the Road

By Margaret K. Lewis
So far, there’s been no repeat of the 2001 collision. But with tensions rising, some understanding is needed.
Is the China-South Korea Honeymoon Over?

Is the China-South Korea Honeymoon Over?

By J. Berkshire Miller
Beijing-Seoul ties had been warming considerably, at Japan’s expense. Will the ADIZ row derail them?

A Roadmap for China's Foreign Exchange Reforms

A Roadmap for China's Foreign Exchange Reforms

By Li Zhenyu and Shi Mingshen
China may achieve decisive results with foreign exchange, interest rate and capital account reforms by 2020.

China’s Emerging Speculation Problem

China’s Emerging Speculation Problem

With worrisome levels of speculative investment, China would do well to specifically target its shadow banking sector.

How China Plans to Use the Su-35

How China Plans to Use the Su-35

By Peter Wood
Acquisition of the advanced Su-35 fighter would give China some significant new capabilities.
A New Washington Naval Conference for Asia?

A New Washington Naval Conference for Asia?

With an Asian naval buildup underway, perhaps history can offer some inspiration.

Getting Senkaku History Right

Getting Senkaku History Right

Some of the claims to sovereignty over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands don’t hold up well under scrutiny, argues Tadashi Ikeda.

China’s New State Security Committee

China’s New State Security Committee

With the creation of the SSC at the recent Third Plenum, Xi consolidates the domestic security leviathan.

China’s Housing Crunch Takes to the Rooftops

China’s Housing Crunch Takes to the Rooftops

Hitherto illegal – and often bizarre – rooftop construction could be at least a partial solution to China’s urban housing crunch.

China’s Energy Rebalancing: A New Gazpolitik?

China’s Energy Rebalancing: A New Gazpolitik?

China’s energy rebalancing may be as important and difficult as its economic equivalent.

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly of China on the UNHRC

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly of China on the UNHRC

China celebrates its membership of the UN Human Rights Council. Elsewhere, reactions are mixed.

Is North Korea’s Navy Finally Falling Apart?

Is North Korea’s Navy Finally Falling Apart?

Two accidents in rapid succession suggest all is not well, but the country still has some significant assets.

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