
East Asia

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Shark Finning: Appetite for Extinction?

Shark Finning: Appetite for Extinction?

Asia’s taste for shark fin soup endangers a number of species. But attitudes are changing.

Is the Rule of Law Coming to China?

Is the Rule of Law Coming to China?

Some signs bode well, but profound shifts must be completed before the optimism is truly warranted.

Are US and Chinese Cyber Intrusions So Different?

Are US and Chinese Cyber Intrusions So Different?

Both the U.S. and China have been linked to cyber snooping. How different are their activities?

Why the West Should Relax About China

Why the West Should Relax About China

By Robert E. Kelly
Air-Sea Battle and the pivot seem an overreaction to China’s rise, given the number of challenges Beijing already faces.

North Korea Changes Its Tune (Again)

North Korea Changes Its Tune (Again)

By Ulv Hanssen
A look at how Pyongyang backed away from its latest provocation, and what that might mean for the future.
Air-Sea Battle: A Dangerous Way to Deal with China

Air-Sea Battle: A Dangerous Way to Deal with China

Air-Sea Battle seems a particularly risky response to China’s growing capabilities, and of questionable necessity.

More Megaprojects? What China’s Rebalancing Means for Asia

More Megaprojects? What China’s Rebalancing Means for Asia

China’s growth may be slowing, but that doesn’t mean its economic presence in Asia will diminish.

History the Weak Link in Beijing’s Maritime Claims

History the Weak Link in Beijing’s Maritime Claims

China says historical title supports its maritime claims. But did it really have sovereignty?

What South Korea Can Learn from South Asia’s Nuclear Experience

What South Korea Can Learn from South Asia’s Nuclear Experience

Those calling for South Korea to go nuclear should look at the India-Pakistan experience.

The Shanghai Ballet: A Model for Chinese Cultural Diplomacy?

The Shanghai Ballet: A Model for Chinese Cultural Diplomacy?

By Andrea Beck
A successful U.K. debut may have some useful lessons for Beijing.

The Plight of China’s Petitioners

The Plight of China’s Petitioners

“You detain me illegally and you say I am illegal? Why don’t you just give me a bullet and let me die?”

The “Patriotic Education” of Tibet

The “Patriotic Education” of Tibet

If true, reports of an easing of China’s policies on Tibet would come as a welcome relief to a long-repressed people.

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