
East Asia

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Korea’s Multicultural Growing Pains

Korea’s Multicultural Growing Pains

A recent incident involving Little Psy highlights South Korea’s struggles with its growing racial diversity.

Cyber Security in South Korea: The Threat Within

Cyber Security in South Korea: The Threat Within

Authorities blame North Korea for recent attacks. Evidence suggests they should look closer to home.

Getting Serious: An End to the Russia-Japan Dispute?

Getting Serious: An End to the Russia-Japan Dispute?

It’s not the first time a resolution to the disputed islands has been touted, but conditions now may encourage compromise.

China’s “Warfare” Strategies and Tactics

China’s “Warfare” Strategies and Tactics

China employs military actions to achieve political outcomes in territorial disputes. Understanding them is important if conflict is to be avoided.

Xi Jinping’s Overlooked Revelation on China’s Maritime Disputes

Xi Jinping’s Overlooked Revelation on China’s Maritime Disputes

Although unnoticed by foreign analysts, Xi Jinping recently signaled a desire to dial back tensions in the South and East China Seas.

China’s Emerging C4ISR Revolution

China’s Emerging C4ISR Revolution

The PLA has made remarkable strides in its systems and capabilities. But operational challenges remain.

South Korea: Who Should Have Wartime Command?

South Korea: Who Should Have Wartime Command?

By Robert E. Kelly
The saga over U.S. OPCON – wartime control of the South Korean military – continues.
Global Primacy Denied? Why American Primacy Is Not Assured

Global Primacy Denied? Why American Primacy Is Not Assured

The Naval Diplomat enters the U.S. supremacy vs. offshore balancing debate.

Japan and the UK: Ties That Bind?

Japan and the UK: Ties That Bind?

The bilateral security relationship has seen a flurry of activity of late. But what will come of it?

Kim Ki-hoon: South Korea’s Cram School King

Kim Ki-hoon: South Korea’s Cram School King

For South Korean teachers like Kim Ki-hoon, education is a rich man’s game.

The Promise and Peril of China’s New Coast Guard

The Promise and Peril of China’s New Coast Guard

The consolidation of China’s coast guard is widely viewed as positive. Is it really?

The TPP, Abenomics and America’s Asia Pivot

The TPP, Abenomics and America’s Asia Pivot

The TPP talks are critical for both Japan’s future and U.S. Asia policy.

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