
East Asia

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The TPP, Abenomics and America’s Asia Pivot

The TPP, Abenomics and America’s Asia Pivot

The TPP talks are critical for both Japan’s future and U.S. Asia policy.

Xinjiang: Reassessing the Recent Violence

Xinjiang: Reassessing the Recent Violence

Western and Chinese media have their own narratives in reporting on the unrest. Both may be wrong.

Japan’s New Cybersecurity Mission

Japan’s New Cybersecurity Mission

The government should act to bolster protections, for both national and international security.

China’s Housing: Living in a Bubble

China’s Housing: Living in a Bubble

Despite government measures, housing is increasingly out of reach for ordinary Chinese.

Karakoram Highway: China’s Treacherous Pakistan Corridor

Karakoram Highway: China’s Treacherous Pakistan Corridor

China’s use of Pakistan’s Gwadar port depends on the rugged, unreliable Karakorum Highway.

The Struggle to Combat North Korea’s Tuberculosis Crisis

The Struggle to Combat North Korea’s Tuberculosis Crisis

Politics complicates efforts to control the disease.

Abeducation: New Opportunity for US-Japan Ties?

Abeducation: New Opportunity for US-Japan Ties?

Can the Abe government change the downward trend in overseas study interest?

Afghanistan: A Dilemma for China and the US

Afghanistan: A Dilemma for China and the US

Both countries have an interest in Afghan stability post-2014. They should consider cooperation.

Okinawa: the Scotland of Asia?

Okinawa: the Scotland of Asia?

Some Okinawans feel they are in line for a shot at self-determination. Will Chinese interest help or hinder their cause?

Wheels Up! Has Obama Really Pivoted to Asia?

Wheels Up! Has Obama Really Pivoted to Asia?

At least when measured by the time senior U.S. officials are spending in Asia, the pivot is real.

The Philippines’ Search for Strategic Partners

The Philippines’ Search for Strategic Partners

Responding to rising tensions, Manila has been boosting ties with other regional players.

How Much Slowdown Can Beijing Tolerate?

How Much Slowdown Can Beijing Tolerate?

The notion of a bottom line for growth and stability is a myth. The truth is more complex.

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