
East Asia

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North Korean Threats Deepen Southern Nuclear Insecurities

North Korean Threats Deepen Southern Nuclear Insecurities

Worries about the U.S. umbrella prompt some to call for the ROK to develop its own nuclear capabilities.

Australia-Korea – Going Forward, Looking Backward

Australia-Korea – Going Forward, Looking Backward

A new dialogue is inaugurated. But the relationship should be about more than just security.

Russia’s Energy Deals with East Asia: Who Wins?

Russia’s Energy Deals with East Asia: Who Wins?

Some huge deals have been inked recently, and one clear winner has emerged.

Japan to Choose Osprey for China Defense?

Japan to Choose Osprey for China Defense?

The aircraft that was part of the Okinawa controversy could become part of Japan’s defense arsenal.

China's Secret? Performance Targets

China's Secret? Performance Targets

The extensive use of targets in governance keeps the CCP responsive to changing demands.

How to Contain Japan-China Tensions

How to Contain Japan-China Tensions

War is unlikely, but ongoing crises are not. Bold diplomacy is needed.

Tôhoku: Post-Disaster Life and Business

Tôhoku: Post-Disaster Life and Business

Recovery is slow and demographic trends suggest a bleak future.

China's Arctic Strategy

China's Arctic Strategy

Since gaining Arctic Council observer status, China has been quick to move on its interests.

Reforming China’s State-Owned Enterprises

Reforming China’s State-Owned Enterprises

Although it faces strong resistance, reforms will be vital if the Chinese economy is to continue to evolve.

NSC in Japan: Needed, But Still Hurdles

NSC in Japan: Needed, But Still Hurdles

Although its focus remains the economy, Japan’s government has taken the first steps in reforming its security infrastructure.

Government for the People in China?

Government for the People in China?

Surveys belie claims that Chinese are becoming fed up with their government.

Xi Jinping’s Chinese Youth Dilemma

Xi Jinping’s Chinese Youth Dilemma

The Chinese Dream finds itself caught between youth awakenings on the left and right.

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