
East Asia

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Debunking Panorama Paranoia: North Korea Tour Leader Simon Cockerell

Debunking Panorama Paranoia: North Korea Tour Leader Simon Cockerell

Simon Cockerell of Koryo Tours on what it’s really like to visit North Korea.

Patience, Not Preemption, on the Korean Peninsula

Patience, Not Preemption, on the Korean Peninsula

“The history of North Korea suggests that its leadership acts with greatest vehemence when it is internally weak, as a way to justify its economic failures by blaming a foreign conspiracy…”

China Has Not (Yet) Changed Its Position on Nuclear Weapons

China Has Not (Yet) Changed Its Position on Nuclear Weapons

Has China abandoned its “no first use” policy when it comes to nuclear weapons? No, says MIT’s M.Taylor Fravel.

Northeast Asia's Free Trade Dream

Japan, South Korea and China are slowly working towards a free trade agreement. Will old disagreements kill a possible deal?

The Xinjiang Perspective: In Photos

The Xinjiang Perspective: In Photos

China’s security forces have failed in their attempts to win over the nation’s ethnic minorities.

Pyongyang Machiavelli: All of Kim’s Men

Pyongyang Machiavelli: All of Kim’s Men

Officials below the power circle of the Kim family may not play an overt role in N. Korea, but are vital to understanding the regime and its future.

N. Korea Crisis: A View From Tokyo

With a host of domestic challenges like a stagnant economy and its own homegrown nuclear problems, Japan has taken a cautious yet steady approach when it comes to North Korea.

North Korea Is the Boy Who Cried Wolf: There Will Be No War

North Korea Is the Boy Who Cried Wolf: There Will Be No War

By Robert E. Kelly
"Because North Korea has such a rich history of extreme rhetoric, they must be more and more extreme in each crisis..."

Abenomics: Now for the Hard Part

The BOJ’s bold monetary easing takes Japan into uncharted waters, but won’t be enough on its own.

North Korea and the Fallacy of Accidental Wars

North Korea and the Fallacy of Accidental Wars

Few wars happen by accident. Given the situation on the Korean Peninsula, a war seems unlikely, as none of the combatants stand to benefit.

One Soviet Leader China Could Emulate…and It’s Not Gorbachev

One Soviet Leader China Could Emulate…and It’s Not Gorbachev

The Andropov model seems to be an attractive option to China’s leaders. It won’t be long before they realize that it is a road to nowhere.

Come Together: Why Japan and South Korea Must Join Hands

Come Together: Why Japan and South Korea Must Join Hands

Despite historical tensions and present challenges, Tokyo and Seoul have good reasons to enhance ties.

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