
East Asia

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Cross-Strait Ties at a Crossroads

Cross-Strait Ties at a Crossroads

Taiwan’s presidential election next year has the potential to completely upend the current stability in cross-strait ties. But developments in Beijing matter too.

Can China Handle America’s Return?

Can China Handle America’s Return?

The United States’ decision to “pivot” back to the Asia-Pacific is welcome among its allies. But what about its most assertive rising power?

China’s Grand Experiments

China’s Grand Experiments

Will China’s economic and social experiments end in success or disaster? Either way, the rest of the world can expect a bumpy ride.

China’s Amateur Spying Problem

China’s Amateur Spying Problem

Many see China’s economic espionage as state directed. Actually, marketization of its defense and high-tech industries means there are plenty of freelancers.

Taiwan Activists Get Day in Sun

Taiwan Activists Get Day in Sun

With its presidential race looking tight, Taiwan’s politicians are increasingly courting the island’s long-neglected activists.

The Meaning of Sea Power

The Meaning of Sea Power

Those trying to understand China’s naval ambitions should be wary of the tacticization of strategy. Sea power isn’t just about the latest hardware.

If China’s Property Bubble Bursts

If China’s Property Bubble Bursts

The cooling of China’s real estate sector is good for the economy. But the government is right to be worried about the social consequences of the bubble bursting.

Can North Korea Come in From Cold?

Can North Korea Come in From Cold?

Will North Korea ever abandon its nuclear program? And who is it helping acquire weapons? The Diplomat speaks with leading North Korea analyst Mark Fitzpatrick.

Insult to Injury in Okinawa

Insult to Injury in Okinawa

The relocation of U.S. forces was already a thorny issue in Japanese politics. But insensitive remarks by a government official have made things far worse.

Let North Korea Save Face

Let North Korea Save Face

Kim Jong-il’s regime seems to respond better to the carrot than the stick. The United States and others could try walking in Kim’s shoes as they look to reduce tensions.

The Fraying of China’s Gilded Age

The Fraying of China’s Gilded Age

China’s rapid economic advances over the past three decades are undeniable. But as social pressures build, is the country set to relive the trauma of America’s Gilded Age?

Why U.S. Needs Airpower Diplomacy

Why U.S. Needs Airpower Diplomacy

Better use of the U.S. Air Force is the most cost-effective and flexible approach to boosting the American presence in the Asia-Pacific.

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